NASA’s DART Mission Will Crash A Spacecraft Into A 525-Foot-Wide Asteroid

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Asteroids often get close to Earth every day but rarely does one touch the ground. But did you know that the last known catastrophic impact event on our planet was about 66 million years ago? It’s not entirely known—the exact number of asteroids or meteorites hitting the Earth daily. However, experts estimate that about 10 […]

Do Spiders Dream? Study Suggests Spiders Sleep and Dream Like Us

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Dreaming is a common phenomenon of sleep, especially for us. But did you know that humans aren’t the only ones that dream? Many other animals like cats, dogs, horses, platypuses, birds, and even reptiles do indeed dream. Awesome, right? But what if I tell you spiders might be dreaming a lot like people too? Would […]

A Guide to Sri Lanka Part 1 – Important places, main info

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Sri Lanka History Sri Lanka is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. The earliest human inhabitations date to about 38,000 years. Information about Sri Lanka can be found from ancient Chronicles like “Mahavansa”, “deepavansa”, Palivansa”, Rajavaliya” and Choolavansa”. The first ruler of Sri Lanka is King “Pandukabaya” and he was the ruler […]

Apollo 11- #6 Almost Empty

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“Sixty seconds!” Not 61. No wiggle room. No “just a couple more seconds, we’re almost there>” and no second chances. They had sixty seconds to land on he moon. Absolutely no one expected it to happen. They had painstakingly planned it so it absolutely wouldn’t-couldn’t happen. But here they were, less than five hundred feet […]

Meet Mr. Trash Wheel, The Trash Interceptor That Gobbles Trash

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Humans are generating and dumping too much trash daily, posing as one of the biggest known environmental threats. And to think that this has been a continuous battle for decades now. Waste or litter finds its way into the ocean and other waterways, affecting water quality, polluting our environment, and spreading diseases, viruses, and parasites. […]

DEEP DIVE: How Imperialism Caused World War I…

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Imperialism, which is a policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force, was a major contributing factor to European tensions leading up to the first world war because the effects of Imperialism caused European nations to compete for territory. Many nations gained influence at the expense of others, which ultimately […]


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Hi everyone! I hope you are all staying well. As the 3rd part of my project I brought you some inspirational poems. I hope you’ll enjoy it and get something from it! Never Say Can’t A poem by Edgar Albert Guest Can’t is the worst word that’s written or spoken;Doing more harm here than slander […]

Harvard Scientists Think Our Universe Was Created In An Alien Laboratory

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How was our universe created? Where did our universe come from? And how is our universe the way it is?  Over the years, scientists have been exploring and trying to answer one of the biggest unanswered mysteries: the origin of our universe. And there have been many intriguing theories about it that have been circulating […]

Astronomers Ready for the First Glimpse of an Ever-burning World

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Have you ever wondered what the place known as Hell might really look like? Imagine a world that burns ceaselessly and eternally, with fires that burn forever. Sounds eerie yet cool, right? Finally, getting a glimpse of a world like that is not as far-fetched as we think anymore. For the first time, NASA astronomers […]

20 Wicked Details from the Harry Potter Films You May Have Missed

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The Harry Potter movie franchise was comprised of eight movies in total over ten years, and each movie was made with great attention to detail and design. We, as Potterheads, pride ourselves on all the facts we know about the wizarding world. And I bet you’ve rewatched the movie series countless times already. But did […]

Five Most Popular Misconceptions Debunked: Part 3

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Many of us thought popular myths and misconceptions were “facts” before, because, let’s be honest, several of them may have been taught to us in school. We may have even have heard some from our parents, or other people time and time again. That’s why it’s important to call out all these false concepts so […]

Alien Octopuses: A Scientific Paper Claims They Came From Outer Space

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Octopuses are one of the most extraordinary and mysterious sea creatures living on our planet. Due to their amazing yet bizarre qualities, they are also often considered the monsters of the deep, along with other cephalopods like squid, cuttlefish, and nautiluses. Did you ever think that they might be aliens? Well, you might be right! […]

Five Popular Misconceptions: Part 1

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There are widespread ideas that many people still believe to be true but are surprisingly scientifically inaccurate. Today, I’m going to share with you some of these popular misconceptions. We are going to unpack them one by one, including the truth behind them. Banana Fruit Grows on Trees Have you ever eaten a banana? If […]