Astronomers Find Universe’s Brightest Object With a Black Hole That Eats a Sun a Day

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Listen up, space enthusiasts! Here’s another record-breaking news I’m pretty sure you’d LOVE. Did you know that the brightest possible object ever in the universe was discovered by astronomers? Yes. You read that right! Scientists at the Australian National University discovered the brightest object in the universe, called a quasar, was found to be hiding […]

October 14th Solar Eclipse (Ring Of Fire)

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On Saturday, October 14, a solar eclipse will take place and it will be seen across the USA. A solar eclipse is an event where the Moon passes between the Earth and Sun, blocking the Sun from Earth’s point of view. Solar eclipses can only happen when the Moon is a new moon. The October […]


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A black hole is a cosmic body or space region where gravity is so intense and strong that nothing, not even light or other electromagnetic waves, can escape. There are different types of black holes. These are: Stellar-mass: Stellar-mass black holes are found throughout our Milky Way galaxy and have masses less than about 100 […]

The Sun- A Fiery Furnace

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The sun is the most significant star to us here on Earth. The sun benefits the planet every day by supplying the heat, light, and energy that we require to thrive even though it is a very normal star in terms of size and temperature. The sun is a massive ball of gases that are […]

Even More Constellations!

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When the sun sets at night, assorted constellations reveal themselves against the black soup of space. As the night progresses, some of these constellations set below the horizon, and others rise to take their places. The parade of constellations continues all night long until the sun rises again and obscures the stars from our sight. […]

Classifying Stars – Color and Catagories

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Analyzing Appearance Astronomers refer to the brightness of a star as its magnitude. There are two ways to describe the magnitude: Actual brightness- how much light it produces Apparent brightness- the light as seen from Earth For example, a small flashlight seen from a few feet away seems brighter than a car’s headlights seen from two […]

The Story of Andromeda

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On a dark, cloudless night, we can see thousands of stars scattered across the inky black soup of night. If you look at the stars long enough, you might imagine that you can see simple pictures of people, animals, weapons, and much more. The stars outlining an imaginary picture are called constellations. Queen Cassiopeia Although […]

What It Is Like In Outer Space

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Have you ever wondered what outer space is like? If you were to travel there, you would find the environment rather unfriendly. Conditions in space are much different from what they are on the surface on the earth. If you were to ride in a spacecraft upward, the surrounding air would soon become so thin […]

The Stellar Engine

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Hello everyone. This post is about a Stellar Engine. So what is a Stellar Engine? It is something that is capable of moving the entire solar system. I will not go into too much detail because this is still just fiction. Okay. Even though it is still science fiction, I will continue exploring what is […]

How Small Are We In The Scale Of The Universe?

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NASA once said, “Friendly reminder: We’re just a small speck in a massive universe!” Have you ever stopped for a moment and pondered about this?  In the grand scheme of things (of space and time), we’re only specks of dust in this vast universe. It’s such an astonishing yet humbling thought at the same time. […]

NASA Unveils James Webb Telescope’s First Images Of Unseen Universe

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On July 12, 2022, NASA released the long-waited first set of full-color images taken by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)—the largest and most powerful space telescope ever built and launched into space. It marks a momentous day for science, beginning a new era in astronomy. As a recap, James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) was […]

What is a Dyson Sphere?

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A Dyson Sphere is something that our descendants may think of doing in the future to meet their energy needs. The idea behind it is to completely enclose a star to capture all of its energy. At this point it is just science fiction, but it may be possible to actually build one if you […]

Apollo 11- #1 Beyond Imagination

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It was mind-boggling. The color television itself had been a flat-out miracle when it began to dominate the scene a mere twenty years previous. And now, that technological wonder was about to trump itself. Because very soon, if all went according to plan, it would transmit pictures of an actual man on the actual moon! […]

How Astronauts Are Chosen

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How do you chose people to go to the moon? That’s what NASA had to figure out as they began selecting astronauts for the Gemini and Apollo projects. Above: Apollo 11’s crew. From left to right, Neil A. Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Buzz Aldrin. They’d have to be comfortable with danger. They’d need quick reactions […]

Astronomers Ready for the First Glimpse of an Ever-burning World

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Have you ever wondered what the place known as Hell might really look like? Imagine a world that burns ceaselessly and eternally, with fires that burn forever. Sounds eerie yet cool, right? Finally, getting a glimpse of a world like that is not as far-fetched as we think anymore. For the first time, NASA astronomers […]

The First Photo Of A Black Hole At The Center Of Our Galaxy

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Have you ever wondered what’s at the heart of our Milky Way galaxy?  Did you know that it’s a black hole? And for the first time, scientists have captured a direct image of the black hole, known as Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), which is located at the center of our home galaxy, the Milky Way. […]

NASA’s InSight Lander Just Detected The Strongest Quake Yet On Mars

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Did you know that Mars, commonly referred to as the Red Planet, also experiences quakes? They are called Marsquakes. On May 4, The NASA InSight lander (Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations) detected the strongest marsquake ever recorded so far on the red planet. It was estimated to have hit a magnitude 5 on the 1,222nd […]

Jupiter’s Moon Europa May Have Water Oceans With Life

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Wouldn’t it be amazing if there’s another place aside from Earth that could harbor life? Well, this idea might not be as far-fetched as we think. Scientists have recently discovered a promising place that may have water where life could exist: Jupiter’s moon Europa. A recent study published in Nature Communications proclaimed that Jupiter’s moon […]