Meet My New Fishes!

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Hello! It is I, @Itrules0ut343! Today, I want to talk about my new fishies! Here, I will tell you my fish’s names and personalities! Now, let’s DIVE right in! (Haha) Shane This spry-scaled superstar is the most energetic of the bunch. Shane LOVES food and will eat the second the food hits the water! He […]

New Drug Could Extend A Dog’s Life

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As pet lovers, we all know the fun and friendship our furry friends bring into our lives—not to mention the priceless love and loyalty they give us. They are more than just pets; they are our family. And just like any other family member, we want them to be with us for as long as […]

Cats or Dogs?

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Americas favorite two pets. Cat vs dog. Meow vs woof. A Little About Cats Cats have incredible eyesight and hunting skills. They are super agile and good at catching prey. Some people think cats favorite food is milk but when in reality, milk can actually do more bad than good in cats. Cats are actually […]

My Dog Blog #1: How To Know What A Dog Is Feeling – Tails

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Dogs have long tails, and they do different movements with their tails when they feel scared and other feelings. Lets start easy with their tails pointing up high and tight. Upright means they are confident. The next one is high and curved over their back, which means they are super confident. The third one is […]

My Cat Blog #1: How to Pet a Cat.

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Petting cats are harder than you think! Some parts of a cat are not allowed to be touched, and sometimes it will make your cat feel uncomfortable if you pet too much in those areas. Other petting spots will have them purring in delight. I will list them from best to worse using the Feline […]

Should Pets Be Allowed In School?

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There are many exciting ways to help students engage and learn at school—from incorporating games, hands-on projects, student collaboration, or field trips—you name it! By doing these things, teachers can make learning fun and help students rediscover their love for learning.  A common debate that’s been gaining popularity is whether to allow pets in school. […]

Does Dog Breed Affect Behavior?

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You might have heard about the popular myth that different dog breeds have specific traits or personalities – from the aggressiveness of Pitbulls or Chihuahuas, to the playfulness of Golden Retrievers or Labradors. But contrary to popular belief, a new study published in the journal Science revealed that the breed is not a good predictor […]

Meet Patron, The Bomb-Sniffing Jack Russell Terrier Hero in Ukraine

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Not all heroes wear capes. Some have furry coats, wagging tails, and floppy ears. Meet Patron, a 2-year-old Jack Russell terrier who has been saving lives in the war in Ukraine by discovering dangerous explosive devices. He was able to locate and help neutralize over 150 dangerous Russian bombs and landmines left by Russians since […]

Russ the Dog’s Long Journey Home

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Ricardo Rodriguez and his 3-year old pitbull named Russ went on a camping trip near Lake Tahoe in August 2021. Everything was going well until Russ somehow got spooked by his surroundings and took off. Rodriquez spent hours looking for him, but all attempts of finding his dog, Russ was unsuccessful. He called the local […]