10 Strangest Deep Sea Creatures That Are Surprisingly Real

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It’s incredible how much of our planet’s deep ocean remains a mystery. If you think about it, it’s a whole other world down there, barely explored by humans compared to space.  Have you ever wondered what kind of creatures live down there? What do they look like?  If you’re curious, no worries. I’ll tell you […]

What are Sperm Whales Saying? Scientists are Working to Decode Whale Languages

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Did you know that a sperm whale, also known as a cachalot, is the largest-toothed whale and the largest-toothed predator in the world? It also has the largest brain of any creature that has lived on Earth.  Amazing, right? In the ocean, these whales can easily be spotted by their enormous square heads and big, […]

How Do Shells Get Their Shapes?

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It’s always exciting to find shells on the beach during the summer, especially with family or friends. I’m sure you’ve done this at one point in your life. You may even have picked up a seashell and held it to your ear to hear the sound of the ocean or admired the intricate designs of […]

Study Shows Ants Perform Life-Saving Operations On Other Injured Ants

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We witness this every day – doctors around the world performing intricate emergency procedures, using their skills and expertise to save countless lives.  But what if I told you that ants, particularly Florida carpenter ants, also know how to perform life-saving procedures to save their injured nestmates? Yes. You read that right! Like skilled surgeons, […]

Centuries-Old Bottles of Cherries Found Beneath George Washington’s Home

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Did you know that George Washington had a deep love for cherries?  Yes. It’s true! This interesting fact about the first President of the United States recently resurfaced when a search of his estate uncovered bottles of cherries preserved in brandy.  A priceless discovery was made in the basement of George Washington’s Mount Vernon home […]

Robot Sets Guinness Record for Solving Rubik’s Cube In Less Than A Second

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The Rubik’s Cube became a global craze during the 1980s, and its popularity continues even today, thanks to its simple yet challenging nature. Many people of all ages are drawn to solving this puzzle, seeing it as a fun and rewarding challenge. It’s not just the satisfaction of completing it but also the benefits for […]

Scientists Have Unearthed a New Dinosaur with Shorter Arms Than a T.Rex

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While searching for new dinosaur fossils in the La Colonia Formation of Argentina, scientists found a single toe bone sticking out from the ancient rock.  After further digging, they uncovered the remains of a previously unknown 16-foot-long meat-eating dinosaur that lived in prehistoric Patagonia approximately 69 million years ago, during the Maastrichtian age of the […]

Is The 5-Second Rule True?

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I’m pretty sure you’ve already heard of this popular belief, the 5-second rule, that the food dropped on the floor is safe to eat if you pick it up within 5 seconds.  You might even have believed at some point that if you pick up food quickly enough, bacteria will not transfer from the floor […]

Archaeologists Reveal The Face Of A 75,000-Year-Old Neanderthal Woman

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Around 200,000 years ago, a group of ancient humans called Neanderthals or Homo neanderthalensis lived in Eurasia (Europe and Asia). But they mysteriously became extinct around 40,000 years ago and were replaced by Homo sapiens or modern-day humans. Researchers have studied Neanderthals’ physical appearance and found that they are similar to humans. However, they have […]

Why Are These Baby Emperor Penguins Jumping From A 50-foot Cliff?

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For the first time, experts have captured video footage of emperor penguin chicks jumping off a cliff in Antarctica. This “never-before-seen” footage was recorded using a drone in January 2024.  The video shows around 700 fledglings gathering on top of an ice shelf about 50 feet above the ocean and taking their first swim in […]

World’s First Genetically-Edited Pig Kidney Transplanted Into A Living Person

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For decades, scientists have been studying the possibility of transplanting animal organs into humans to improve and save people’s lives, especially those in need of organ transplants. This procedure, known as xenotransplantation, involves transferring living cells, tissues, or organs from animals to humans. Although it has been a topic of debate, many people also want […]

Why Do Bees Have Queens?

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Did you know that honeybees are important for our ecosystem’s survival? They help pollinate plants that produce food for us and many animals. Without them, our ecosystem could collapse. So, we owe them a lot! But have you ever wondered how they work together to keep their colony safe? Honeybees live in hives with a […]

The Drinking Bird Could Soon Be the Key to Clean Energy To Power Your Gadgets

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Have you ever seen a drinking bird toy? It’s made of two glass bulbs connected by a glass tube. The bottom bulb is filled with a highly volatile liquid, methylene chloride. On the other hand, the top bulb is shaped like a bird’s head with a beak and a decorative top hat covered with a […]

A 13-Year-Old Experiment Proves Archimedes’ “Death Ray” Invention Is Possible

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Archimedes was a well-known scientist and mathematician who made important inventions and scientific contributions. Among them was the “Death Ray,” sometimes called the heat ray, a powerful device that could use the sun’s power through mirrors to destroy enemy ships.  It’s believed that Archimedes used this invention to burn Roman ships during the Siege of […]

Astronomers Find Universe’s Brightest Object With a Black Hole That Eats a Sun a Day

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Listen up, space enthusiasts! Here’s another record-breaking news I’m pretty sure you’d LOVE. Did you know that the brightest possible object ever in the universe was discovered by astronomers? Yes. You read that right! Scientists at the Australian National University discovered the brightest object in the universe, called a quasar, was found to be hiding […]

How Is Snow Made?

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When we hear about winter, the first thing we most likely associate with it is snow. Imagine the ground blanketed in white, fluffy cold ice crystals. And when you also try to catch the snow fluttering down the sky, you’ll notice each snowflake with unique patterns.  You’ll also see people shoveling, hear the crunch of […]

How Did the Universe Come to Exist? (My Theory)

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INTRODUCTION It all started with a speck in the middle of nowhere in a dark, empty space. But who knew that that speck held and would soon be the large universe we all know today? But how exactly did that speck come to be? How did it explode? Did it even actually explode? Why was […]

New Haptic Suit Technology Which Allows Deaf People to Feel Music

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Music is an important part of our daily lives, and it’s hard to imagine a world without it. It’s an art form that can stir emotions, move us, and bring people together. Whether it’s the lyrics that resonate with us, the melodies that calm us, or the beats that make us want to dance, music […]

Scholars Use AI To Decipher Ancient Scroll Burned During Mount Vesuvius Eruption

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The Herculaneum Papyri is considered one of the most important archaeological discoveries since it’s the only surviving library from the ancient world.  It was discovered in 1752 and contains a collection of Greek philosophical texts written on papyrus scrolls. Over 1,800 papyrus scrolls were buried and burned for centuries under layers of volcanic ash and […]

Science Day Announcement

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Hi everyone, I would like to remind everyone about Science Day, which is coming up on the 28th of February. It’s a time to celebrate the amazing discoveries and inventions made by scientists around the world. From the small to the big milestones, science has helped us understand the world we live in and make […]