Who Really Wants a Phone, But Your Parents Say You Don’t Need One?

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I’ve wanted a phone for a year, but my mom always says no. Last year I turned 11, and I told her that I’m growing up and already 11 years old. At this point, I’m going to need a cell phone. Then at the beginning of this year (2023), I got on the waitlist for […]

Group for 11-Year-Old Girls!

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When you’re 11, a lot of changes can happen. Tell you what, I’m 11 too, and I feel all the same things sometimes. And remember, that’s OK. I like to have fun and talk to other 11-year-olds, so I created this, and this group was born. In this group, you can talk about anything you […]

Stacey Says

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This is a chat where everyone can share their problems, and I give you advice! Just comment below, and I’ll comment back swiftly! Note that when you ask a question it will be open to the public. So if you’re brave, ask me anything! I’ll only give you my honest advice. Please don’t include anything […]

Instagram Help!

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So, I’ve been using Instagram a lot more now that I’m following a bunch of kids from camp! And it won’t let me login! It’s giving me the error “Try Again Later” I’ve tried resetting the password, but it says “Invalid Try again”. Does anyone know what’s going on? Am I using it too much?  […]

KidzNet Username Ideas

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Some of the guests that are considering joining KidzNet are struggling a little with choosing a username. So, I used my creativity and imagination to make some nice and appropriate usernames for KidzNet. I am going to present them down below: nature_isLITT – for nature lovers iHAVEanIDEA267 – for creative users powering.imagination9930 – for users with big imagination MARTYPANTS52 – […]

10 Steps to Do your Homework Correctly – By Alex

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Hello friends!! Today I’m made a different post about doing homework correctly and on time. Here, I’ll tell you a major method to do your homework well. This is not a made up one and is the method I follow. I usually get high ranks, like 1 or 2 in my class, and this helped me […]

Make Life Easy For KS Editors

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The editors at KidzSearch work so hard, let’s all give them a vacation for awhile okay? Here are some Ways to Make Life Easier for KidzNet Editors! Way Number 1: Write in your own words! Editors may have to rewrite or disapprove of your post if all there is on it is copy/pasting from other websites. […]

How To Work KidzNet

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Home Page The home page is for you to see other’s posts. You may click on them if you like to see what others have on their mind. Other’s Posts Once in another’s post, you may read it and comment on it if you so desire. KidzSearch will filter your comment to make sure it […]

Bullying and How to Stop It

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There has been more and more talk about kids being bullied in the past decade or more. It seems the problem is more widespread than ever believed and is causing harm to children of all ages. In fact, school safety and crime data from 2019 reveal that 1 out of 5 students experienced bullying. Think about that. […]