Minecraft Tips and Tricks Part 5

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Hey, guys, sorry I haven’t posted one of these in a LONG time; I hope you find this interesting. Now let’s dive in! #1 When searching for ancient debris, turn on chunk borders. #2 Did you know that you can turn on hitboxes? That way, you’ll never miss when you attack something *or somebody*. #3 […]

Minecraft Tips And Tricks Part Four

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As you may know on Minecraft tips and tricks part three, we learned some tricks you can use, and on this one we will do some more tricks. #1 You can see your coordinates on java edition by pressing F3 (on Mac its F3+FN). #2 YOU DON’T HAVE TO DEFEAT THE ENDER DRAGON TO GET […]

Tips and Tricks for Minecraft (Part One)

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So, if you guys are into Minecraft, then these are some tricks for it. 😀 1# (I think almost all of you guys do this) Once you make your crafting table and wood pick, then dig down, grab 17 pieces of stone, and come back up and make your axe pick shovel, and furnace. 2# […]

Here’s How You Can Make Studying A Daily Habit

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Studying can be challenging, especially if you’re already juggling many responsibilities, whether in academics or personal life. When faced with time-consuming activities, such as schoolwork, assignments, and exams, adjusting to these workloads can be stressful and require much preparation. This is why it’s important to make studying a daily habit to help you mentally and […]

Best Ways To Deal With Stress

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Are you feeling so stressed out lately? The reason may be because of too much homework and projects. Or maybe you’re anxious about your upcoming tests. Or it could due to a bad interaction with someone, a rift with a friend, or tension at home.  Whatever the reason, stress is a familiar feeling that affects […]

5 Tips To Maintain Lifelong Friendships

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Just like any other relationship, friendship is an important connection to have. Finding someone you can trust, share your interests with, hang out with, and play with is such a lovely thing. Not to mention that creating these bonds also enriches our everyday experiences. It’s known to boost our happiness, build our confidence, give us […]

My Cat Blog #1: How to Pet a Cat.

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Petting cats are harder than you think! Some parts of a cat are not allowed to be touched, and sometimes it will make your cat feel uncomfortable if you pet too much in those areas. Other petting spots will have them purring in delight. I will list them from best to worse using the Feline […]

Writing a Good Post About Events

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Today we are talking about how to write a good post about events. Your first paragraph should immediately tell the reader the time period and should give the topic of the whole post. Unfamiliar terms should be defined for the reader. Example: The main problem was that the Articles of Confederation, the plan of government adopted […]

How To Overcome Procrastination

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I think you’ve already experienced this at some point in your life. Or maybe you’re experiencing it now—you already know you should be doing something by now, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to start it. For example, you may have put off a task you had planned weeks ago because you don’t feel like […]

The Secret To Finding Your Passion In Life: Igniting Your Spark

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Have you ever been asked what you are passionate about and want to accomplish in the future and why? Or maybe you’re even told to find your passion at some point in your life? As for me, YES, and a lot of times at that. For some people, finding their passion or what they love […]

KidzNet Quick Tips #1: How To Make A “Show Answer” Button

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You may have seen some posts that have a show answer button. This can be useful for things like riddles and test questions. You can easily add one by first highlighting the answer and then clicking on the Collapse-Expand menu item in the editor. Here is a real example of what the button does. What […]

Steps To Face Your Exam Correctly – by Alex

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Hello guys. Today I’m making a post to tell you about a test helper method to help you with test taking. It was one of your requests. Let’s go through some steps which I follow to study for a test. This is a short guide to help you with term tests – as they are […]

Make Life Easy For KS Editors

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The editors at KidzSearch work so hard, let’s all give them a vacation for awhile okay? Here are some Ways to Make Life Easier for KidzNet Editors! Way Number 1: Write in your own words! Editors may have to rewrite or disapprove of your post if all there is on it is copy/pasting from other websites. […]

Tell Us Your Best Study Tips. Best Advice Gets a $50 Amazon Gift Card.

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This contest is only open to KidzNet members (registration is free and only takes a minute). Just post a comment in our Best Studying Tips For Kids post. The best comment will win a $50 Amazon gift card!!! The last date you can enter is March 31st, 2022 (extended). Winners will be announced on April […]