Should We Live In Outer Space

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Many people want to live in outer space, especially on the moon and on mars. But my opinion says it is not good to live in outer space for certain reasons. My reasons are: We don’t know what the effect to humans in outer space is for the long term. We don’t know how our […]

Writing a Good Post

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Think of a topic you want to write your post about. Research! Read books and look up articles on the internet. Make sure it is coming from a reliable source. Start organizing your ideas and facts! Ask yourself: What kind of a post is this going to be? Will it be short or long? Will […]

CYOA (Choose Your Own Adventure) – The Baseball Game

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Emily pushed open the door to Ethan’s room. He was on his bed, reading. “That was Brayden on the phone,” she said. He didn’t react. “He says one o’clock, if we want to show up.” Do we want to show up?” he inquired. “I wanted to ask you that, first.” Ethan slid a bookmark where […]

Choose Your Own Adventure!!

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I am making a choose your own adventure on KidzNet!! The Choose Your Own Adventure Series will be a post containing a short story, followed by a poll. The next short story will then be based on your decisions! Be wise and you might make it to the end! Here is a sneak peak of […]

2 Riddles Per Day – #18

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Who is the murderer?? Jacky was murdered on Saturday afternoon. His mom said she was reading. The doorman said he was in the shower. The chef said he was making breakfast. The gardener was pruning hedges. From the information given, who committed the murder? How to escape??? A man is trapped in a room that […]

Meet Mr. Trash Wheel, The Trash Interceptor That Gobbles Trash

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Humans are generating and dumping too much trash daily, posing as one of the biggest known environmental threats. And to think that this has been a continuous battle for decades now. Waste or litter finds its way into the ocean and other waterways, affecting water quality, polluting our environment, and spreading diseases, viruses, and parasites. […]

Ringling Brothers Circus: The ‘Greatest Show on Earth’ Comeback Without Circus Animals

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The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey, also billed as the “The Greatest Show on Earth,” had been closed down since 2017. The circus started when the Ringling Bros. opened their first circus in 1884 and was later merged with Barnum & Bailey’s Greatest Show on Earth in 1919. Wild live animals were always part […]

A Near Complete 35,000 year-old Mummified Baby Woolly Mammoth Was Found In Canada

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On June 21, 2022, local gold miners were working on the Eureka Creek in the Klondike gold fields within Trʼondëk Hwëchʼin of the Canadian Territory. A young local miner was digging up muck, excavating for gold. But instead of finding gold, he uncovered a 35,000-year-old frozen baby woolly mammoth in the permafrost that was in […]

The Game For Bookworms

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Home Base is an online world filled with your favorite books and characters. You can play games, earn tokens, buy outfits for your avatar and furniture for your home! You can connect to Newsfeed and express yourself by writing fan fictions and roleplays, create comics and polls, and just talk about books! I recommend this game […]

Apollo 11- #3 And Upward..

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Space… it’s dangerous out there: micrometeoroids, radiation, airlessness. And coming home would be no picnic, either. The compact-car-sized space capsule would be greeted by searing white-hot flames as it slammed madly back down to earth. “In designing the command module, the one thing we had to be sure of was that we could keep the […]

DEEP DIVE: How Imperialism Caused World War I…

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Imperialism, which is a policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force, was a major contributing factor to European tensions leading up to the first world war because the effects of Imperialism caused European nations to compete for territory. Many nations gained influence at the expense of others, which ultimately […]

Apollo 11- #1 Beyond Imagination

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It was mind-boggling. The color television itself had been a flat-out miracle when it began to dominate the scene a mere twenty years previous. And now, that technological wonder was about to trump itself. Because very soon, if all went according to plan, it would transmit pictures of an actual man on the actual moon! […]

All About Salamanders

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Have you ever heard of an animal that was believed to have been born from fire and could pass through fire unharmed? If you haven’t yet, let me introduce you to the salamander. According to Old European folklore, salamanders were born from fire and could withstand fire as they were often seen mysteriously crawling out […]

The Official KN Cup Starting Soon!

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Hey, y’all! Jus’ a reminder that the lineup is starting soon! Be sure to nominate your best friends before time runs out! If you want to nominate now, here is the link! Here are the nominees at the time of this post: @Pumpkin @emozookeeper @kidzsearch @Dash201 @EloquentRacer92 @alex @caryl @basha @flowermagic1234 @-MarshmallowSmoosh- @DukeSilver @esie Be sure […]

How to make a simple calculator in Python

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Python is a really popular programming language. I’ve been using it for around 2 years. Based in my experience, Python is really fast and easy for beginners. As matter a fact, Python is multi-paradigm, which makes it easier for the beginners to start with. Today, I am going to be explaining step by step, line […]

What sorta new posts do you want from me?

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Hello everyone! Really, this is not an article about anything. I am running out of ideas for posts, so I need some suggestions from you. Here’s the chance for you to tell your favorite ideas. Technology Agriculture Astronomy Astrology Mathematic tips Physics Languages Aesthetics Social culture History of America/ Asia/Sri Lanka Ancient civilizations Geology Geography […]

Should Kids Use Social Media?

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Social media has become something really common nowadays. Although it is for adults, you will find kids of all ages as well. This happens because even though you can’t sign up for social media until a certain age (13 yrs.), there is still no real age verification, so it’s easy for kids to sign up. I […]

Do You Know About The World’s Biggest Cat?

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Hello everyone! I’ll start the post with wishing a good evening/morning or afternoon. Although I´m not new here and have many guest posts, this is my first post as a registered member. Anyways. Do you know about the world’s biggest cat? I know you will probably say “a lion or a tiger” and that it […]