The Pros And Cons Of Artificial Intelligence: How It Will Change Society

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In today’s world, the advancement in technology has been evolving rapidly over the years. From electricity, automobiles, roadways, infrastructures, robotics, and the internet to smartphones (among others), technology has contributed so much to our convenience and has been a part of our daily lives.  Undoubtedly, technology plays an essential role in our society today, and […]

THE HERITAGE CHANGES – On the Occasion of Heritage Day 2023

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Hello, friends! Today I want to talk to you about an exceptional day coming up soon: World Heritage Day 2023, which will occur on the 18th of April. This day celebrates the cultural heritage of different regions and countries worldwide and raises awareness about the importance of preserving and protecting cultural monuments and sites for […]

The Bajau Tribe: Meet The People With Superpowers To Stay Underwater Longer

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Anyone here who knows how to swim? If you do, I bet you’ve already tried holding your breath for as long as possible. Maybe even guess how deep you can go underwater. Generally, most people can hold their breath underwater for somewhere between 30 seconds and up to 2 minutes.  But did you know that […]

Amazing Facts and Information About Worker Dogs!

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Service and worker dogs are amazing animals who have helped and saved people’s lives for a very long time. There are seven different types of worker dogs. Let’s go through and talk about each one of these dog jobs and what they do! 1. Service dogs Service or assistance dogs are working dogs specially trained […]

Accept the Call?

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OPINION: The usage of smartphones has exceedingly increased. This is because the owners have become younger and younger. Five years ago, the average age at which kids got their first smartphone was twelve years old. Last year, it was ten! That’s a very good thing. Smartphones have lots of reasons why kids should own them. […]

My Dog Blog #1: How To Know What A Dog Is Feeling – Tails

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Dogs have long tails, and they do different movements with their tails when they feel scared and other feelings. Lets start easy with their tails pointing up high and tight. Upright means they are confident. The next one is high and curved over their back, which means they are super confident. The third one is […]

5 Tips To Maintain Lifelong Friendships

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Just like any other relationship, friendship is an important connection to have. Finding someone you can trust, share your interests with, hang out with, and play with is such a lovely thing. Not to mention that creating these bonds also enriches our everyday experiences. It’s known to boost our happiness, build our confidence, give us […]

Here’s Why Some People Are Mosquito Magnets More Than Others

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Mosquitoes are widespread pesky insects that bite you to suck up blood, leaving your skin’s surface with red, itchy bumps. And what’s even more annoying is when they target you more than others. Now you might wonder why these mosquitoes seem to “love” you more than other people.  What if I tell you there’s a […]

Cats Can Recognize Their Owners’ Voices, Study Finds

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If you have a pet cat at home, you’re probably guilty of speaking in a high-pitched voice just to get your cat’s attention. You might even wonder if they ever really recognize you and know you’re talking to them at some point. Well. But what if I tell you that your cat can definitely recognize […]

Achievable Alternatives to New Year’s Resolutions You Can Do

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Since it’s already 2023, people often make their New Year’s resolutions to hit the refresh button and get things right. But this idea of making resolutions may also feel difficult and overwhelming, especially if you commonly struggle to follow through with a commitment. So, instead of making New Year’s resolutions, why not try these four […]

What is an Emotional Wheel? – Psychology & Science for kids

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Invented by : Psychologist Robert Plutchik, Ph.D.An emotion wheel is a circular graph that depicts the range of human emotions and how they relate to one another. The emotion wheel has 7 core emotions at the center. These are love, fear, anger, disgust, surprise, happy, sad. Each of these core emotions have other related emotions […]