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OPINION: The usage of smartphones has exceedingly increased. This is because the owners have become younger and younger. Five years ago, the average age at which kids got their first smartphone was twelve years old. Last year, it was ten! That’s a very good thing.

Smartphones have lots of reasons why kids should own them. Many adults think otherwise, but kids should have the right to have them! Phones have many educational games, are portable danger avoiders, and can connect children to their loving families and peers. I firmly and strongly believe that children all around the world should have their own smartphones.

The first reason is that phones are a shield from danger, and you can protect yourself anywhere, anytime! If something jeopardizes a child, they can grab their smartphone out of their pockets and call nine-one-one.

For example, don’t be surprised if a child gets kidnapped in the United States. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, NCIC, an estimated 460,000 children are reported missing yearly in the United States. If a child has a smartphone, they can call the police and either avoid being kidnapped or be found very quickly. A smartphone could just save a child’s life. Another scenario is that a child might see someone else in danger and save them. This teaches kids not to be bystanders but to be upstanders.

The second reason is that there are millions upon millions of educational purpose games. These games can boost kids all around the world’s IQ. Now you might be thinking, “But they’ll just play those games too much!” But the results show those children who spent an above-average amount of time playing educational video games increased their intelligence by approximately 2.5 IQ points more than the average child!

For example, I played an educational video game on my Nintendo Switch called Big Brain Academy: Brain Vs. Brain for a while, and I had a brain score of 4,500! The game told me what I was good at and what I needed to work on. It increased my intelligence and my cognitive development skills. If I had a smartphone to play it on, I could get very smart and succeed in school and life! 

The last reason is that most families have family members far away. If kids had a smartphone, they could call them! For example, the only way I can talk to my grandmothers, my aunt, or my uncle is by calling them! But I can’t just call them anywhere unless I have a smartphone!

Also, about 50% of all American children will witness the end of their parent’s marriage. So, if they call them with their smartphone, they’ll be happy! You might be thinking not everyone’s parents are divorced. Well, when the year goes by, they probably will. Each year, over 1 million American children suffer the divorce of their parents. Time to get that smartphone!

You see now why it’s best to get a smartphone for your child. It’s a danger remover, and there are just. So. Many. Educational games can be used to call loved ones far away! I hope you consider it the next time you go to a store to buy a phone for your adorable kid! Plus, whenever you need kids to do their chores, just dial their phone number!

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