Help MS to Save the Earth – Grow Your Our E-Tree to Real Trees

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Do you know how Microsoft Start Weather supports a reforestation project in Kenya? Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges of our time, and it affects every aspect of our lives. From extreme weather events to food insecurity, biodiversity loss, and health risks, the impacts of climate change are felt by people and […]

Why Are Snails And Slugs So Slow?

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If you’ve ever explored your garden or woods after the rain, you’ve probably already seen dozens of snails or slugs crawling around.  You might’ve also seen them climb plants and trees or cross sidewalks. Not to mention, they would always leave this unique, shiny slime trail wherever they go. If you’ve already witnessed a snail […]

Pangolin: Meet The World’s Most Trafficked Mammal

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Pangolin, also called the scaly anteater, is an insect-eating mammal easily recognized by its body covered with overlapping scales. Although it may look like a reptile because of its scales, it’s actually more closely related to cats and bears. Its name, “pangolin,” originated from the Malay word ‘penggulung,’ which means “rolling over or roller.” It […]

5 Tips To Maintain Lifelong Friendships

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Just like any other relationship, friendship is an important connection to have. Finding someone you can trust, share your interests with, hang out with, and play with is such a lovely thing. Not to mention that creating these bonds also enriches our everyday experiences. It’s known to boost our happiness, build our confidence, give us […]

How Do Sugar And Fat Affect Your Brain?

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Candies, cakes, cookies, donuts, ice cream, and sodas—these foods can be pretty irresistible to us. So many of these make up a large portion of our daily intake. And let’s not forget other fast food or processed food, such as bacon, pizza, hotdogs, burgers, fries, and sandwiches. These foods are common comfort food cravings, which […]

Achievable Alternatives to New Year’s Resolutions You Can Do

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Since it’s already 2023, people often make their New Year’s resolutions to hit the refresh button and get things right. But this idea of making resolutions may also feel difficult and overwhelming, especially if you commonly struggle to follow through with a commitment. So, instead of making New Year’s resolutions, why not try these four […]

Scientists Achieve Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough For The First Time

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For the first time in human history, scientists have achieved a nuclear-fusion breakthrough in a laboratory setting after 70 years of research. What an unprecedented milestone! On December 13, 2022, they announced that they had reproduced the first-ever nuclear fusion reaction, the phenomenon that powers the Sun or other stars.  But first, what is nuclear […]

Stubbs The Cat: Honorary Mayor For An Alaskan Town For 20 Years

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Having a mayor in a city or town is important because the person will be the chief executive officer responsible for the town’s general welfare, including the residents and the town’s goals. This includes enforcing all ordinances concerning the city’s governance and implementing its programs, projects, services, and activities. And without one, a place won’t […]

Top 10 STEM Toys For Biology (2022)

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A lot of people are driven by curiosity and always have that thirst for knowledge. Learning science is an incredible way to quench that desire to discover truths about the world around us.  Through science, we get to seek answers through experimentation and observation. It also helps us form the world we live in today […]

Top 10 STEM Toys For Teaching Math Skills (2022)

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Math has a reputation for being one of the most challenging subjects for most students. From attention difficulties and learning gaps, to lack of practice, there are many reasons why Math can be difficult for some. This is why it’s important to expose students early on and inspire their love of math to develop the […]

How Do Ants Craw on Walls? A Biologist Has The Answer

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Ants are such fascinating insects. And if you’ve tried to observe one’s behavior or maybe a bunch of them, I’m quite sure you’ve already watched them walk up a wall. I once saw an army of them crawling up the wall while carrying something bigger than them.  How amazing is that? And the real question […]

Meteors, Meteoroids, and Meteorites, Oh My!

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Meteoroids – Drifting through space. Meteoroids are pieces of space debris that come in a wide range of sizes and categories- from microscopic specks of cosmic dust to boulders several feet across! Meteoroids that enter the Earth’s atmosphere are called meteors. If you have ever watched a “Shooting star” dart across the sky, you have […]

Scaly-foot Snail: The Snail with Iron Armor

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Snails are well-known for one of their striking physical features—the spiral shell they load on the back. But have you ever heard of a snail with a shell made out of iron? If you haven’t yet, let me introduce this remarkable creature, the Scaly-foot snail. Chrysomallon squamiferum, most commonly known as a scaly-foot snail, is […]