Apollo 11- #5 Alarms

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BAM! Suddenly, the master alarm in the lunar module (LM) rang out for attention with all the racket of a fire bell going off in a broom closet. “Program alarm,” astronaut Neil Armstrong called out from the LM in a clipped but calm voice. “It’s a twelve-oh-two.” “1202,” repeated astronaut Buzz Aldrin. They were 33,500 […]

World’s Largest Freshwater Fish Caught In Cambodia

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On the remote island of the Mekong River in northern Cambodia, a 42-year-old local fisherman named Moul Thun unexpectedly caught the world’s largest freshwater fish ever recorded. It was caught on the night of June 13th, 2022. The female stingray is named Boramy, which means “full moon” in the local Khmer language. They called it […]

DEEP DIVE: How Imperialism Caused World War I…

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Imperialism, which is a policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force, was a major contributing factor to European tensions leading up to the first world war because the effects of Imperialism caused European nations to compete for territory. Many nations gained influence at the expense of others, which ultimately […]

The Secret To Why Cats Go Crazy Over Catnip

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I bet you’ve already watched a bunch of funny videos on the internet about cats rubbing against every surface, flipping out, blissfully rolling around the floor, or darting around the house (generally acting weird) after eating or sniffing catnip. Have you ever wondered why cats go crazy for catnip? But before I tell you the […]

A Guide To Mindfulness

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We live in an extremely fast-paced world. So many people go through the motions of their daily lives, filled with distraction and stimulation. Whether exhausted by busy schedules⁠, preoccupied with information streams on the internet, or faced with new responsibilities at school, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by it all. And most of the time, […]

All About Salamanders

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Have you ever heard of an animal that was believed to have been born from fire and could pass through fire unharmed? If you haven’t yet, let me introduce you to the salamander. According to Old European folklore, salamanders were born from fire and could withstand fire as they were often seen mysteriously crawling out […]

Beating Copyright: 5 Ways To Check For Plagiarism!

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Plagiarism is a huge issue on KidzNet, being the #1 reason why posts are rejected on the platform. If you’d like to learn about what plagiarism is, check out esie’s post on the subject. I think it’s really well-written and explains Plagiarism better than I could!  All that aside, let’s dive into ways you can […]

The Way I See KidzSearch…

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Hello everyone!! After a few posts with quizzes, I thought to post a different article about a great app which plays an important role of letting kids and teens create global connections. We all here know about that marvelous little thing very well. KidzSearch, as its name implies, is a very child -friendly app.  It is […]

14-year-old Invents AI-Driven Technology That Can Detect Early Wildfire

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When you hear the word hero, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? A police officer, firefighter, or maybe a doctor? Or perhaps it’s what you usually see in movies or television? A person with superpowers, a cape, and a mask? But what if I tell you that anyone can be a hero, […]

The Mystery Moth

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Have you ever considered moths to be cute? If not, the Venezuelan poodle moth, can completely change your mind. The Venezuelan poodle moth is a new species of moth that is still a mystery. Dr. Arthur Anker, a naturalist from Bishkek, Kyrgystan, discovered it in 2009. Dr. Arthur Anker took a snapshot of the Venezuelan […]

Weirdest Animals On Earth Part 1: Blue Dragons

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Hello everyone !! today I am gonna tell you about one of the weirdest animals on earth. I broke the article into few parts and subtopics. This is the first one about the BLUE ANGEL, also known as the BLUE DRAGON… Blue dragons, or Glaucus atlanticus, are nudibranchs (sea slugs) that belong to the nudibranch […]

Plagiarism and How To Stop It

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What is Plagiarism? When taking notes from a website, a book, or any work of art, you must be very careful not to copy. To copy what someone else has written and passing it off as your own work is a form of stealing called plagiarism. Plagiarism is one of the main reasons posts on […]

Alligator VS Crocodile: Which One?

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An alligator and a crocodile. What is the difference? This is what we are talking about today! I did A LOT of research for this, so hang tight! Alligators: Freshwater Dangers In the United States, you may find alligators mostly near Texas or more towards the northeast. It prefers freshwater, and places such as lakes […]

KidzNet Ranks – A Brief Explanation Please!

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Hello again. I’d like to ask a question from all those who stayed with KidzNet for a long time. Though I am not new to here, I just wanted to know about ranks of users. When I hang around here, I have seen users have different types of ranks as: Novice Apprentice Adventurer Gladiator etc.. […]

Types of Rocks Part 1: The Fiery Ones

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Igneous Rocks- The Fiery Ones Huge bubbles of hot, fluid rock called magma form deep in the earth’s mantle and squeeze towards the surface. Occasionally, magma forces its way through the earth’s crust by erupting out of a volcano. Once the magma flows from a volcano, it is called lava. As the lava cools, it eventually hardens […]

Life-Size Model of the Classic Ferrari F40 Is Made of 358,000 Legos

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If you’re a LEGO enthusiast, you’re definitely going to love this! On May 12th 2022, the first ever life-size replica of the classic red Ferrari F40 model was launched at LEGOLAND® California Resort’s latest attraction, the “LEGO® Ferrari Build and Race.” The replica was made entirely of more than 358,000 LEGO pieces! Amazing, right? Similar […]

Do You Know About The World’s Biggest Cat?

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Hello everyone! I’ll start the post with wishing a good evening/morning or afternoon. Although I´m not new here and have many guest posts, this is my first post as a registered member. Anyways. Do you know about the world’s biggest cat? I know you will probably say “a lion or a tiger” and that it […]

NASA’s InSight Lander Just Detected The Strongest Quake Yet On Mars

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Did you know that Mars, commonly referred to as the Red Planet, also experiences quakes? They are called Marsquakes. On May 4, The NASA InSight lander (Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations) detected the strongest marsquake ever recorded so far on the red planet. It was estimated to have hit a magnitude 5 on the 1,222nd […]

Different ways to say “HELLO”

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In English, you say “hello,” but in a different language, they say it differently. Learning something as simple as saying hello to a foreigner in their native language can go a long way towards showing your interest in their culture and making them feel more welcome. In French, you say “Bonjour “. In Dutch, you […]