Pumpkin’s Cat Gallery #1

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What’s up KidzSearchers, Today I am going to show you some recent photos of my cat, Licks. You wouldn’t know how hard it is to keep your pets still for a photo, especially if they’re hyper like my cat. Let me know if you’d like more posts about her. Anyways, enough with the talk! Here […]

What Happened To Me?

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You probably thought I’d never come crawling back, but here I am. I suppose I’ll give you all a little update about the future of my account and some other things. So a few weeks ago, I reached 1,000,000 points on KidzTalk, which was really cool and exciting. Looking at my account here on KidzNet, […]

Kidzsearch users Impressions (satire)

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Today I am going to make impressions of legendary KS users. This post is satire so don’t cancel me. My own impression is also included. Romi330 impression: Kidzsearch said something in the comments so I’m gonna copy and repost it instead of posting original content. JD2005 comment to literally anything: 👀 Pumpkin impression: What can […]