The Unsinkable Lizard: Pygmy Gecko

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More than 1,200 animal species can walk on water, but have you ever heard of a minuscule lizard that can float in water? If not, then let me introduce to you the pygmy gecko. The Amazon Pygmy gecko, also known as Pseudogonatodes guianensis, is one of the smallest lizards known in the world. It belongs […]

Nathan Hale

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Nathan Hale: Colonial Spy Nathan Hale should be an example to us all. He did what not many human beings would be willing to do: lay down his life for his country. His selflessness set an example for many who were to come and he was a forerunner for the American Revolution. Nathan Hale was […]

Should We Keep Animals In Zoos?

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Thousands of people visit local zoos every day because they provide a fantastic opportunity to see and watch the animals housed within enclosures and displayed to the public up close and personal. If you’ve ever been to one, you might have remembered that feeling of being in awe after seeing even the most endangered and […]

Five Most Popular Misconceptions Debunked: Part 5

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We’re now on part 5, which will be the series finale to our popular misconception series. I hope you had fun and learned a lot while reading them. And if you haven’t read the other parts yet, you can visit parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 on KidzNet. Read on to discover more persistent common […]

Cool Cat Facts

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Here are some interesting cat facts! Did you know that cats have been domesticated pets for close to 10,000 years! Also, did you know that when a cat climbs up a tree, they sometimes can’t get down. Their paws are designed to climb, but have troubles going down things. Female cats are called queens and […]

The Story of Toyota Cars

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Toyota – MY FAVORITE CAR. TODAY, LET ME TELL YOU THE STORY OF TOYOTA. A boy named Kiichiro Toyoda was born on June 11th, 1894. He came from a poor family. Later in life he created a factory that made textile looms, which are like industrial sewing machines as shown below. In 1921 he travel […]

Five Popular Misconceptions: Part 1

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There are widespread ideas that many people still believe to be true but are surprisingly scientifically inaccurate. Today, I’m going to share with you some of these popular misconceptions. We are going to unpack them one by one, including the truth behind them. Banana Fruit Grows on Trees Have you ever eaten a banana? If […]

The Best Programming Languages For Kids

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I’m a young self-taught programmer and I’m fluent in many programming languages. My parents don’t know much about computers, so I learned coding by YouTube and e-books. Based on my experience, mainly the programming languages are hard, except for a few of them.Also a quick tip: Math won’t leave you aside along your programming journey, […]

Weirdest Pokémon Returns!

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Pokémon’s popularity is rising steadily, and more and more Pokémon are being introduced. But I bet they are running out of ideas, because the Pokémon you are about to see are even weirder than last time. Which one will win the title of weirdest? Xurkitree Now, what is this supposed to be, exactly? It looks like […]

Shelled Mondays – Spiders

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This is Fred the turtle. And if you don’t know Fred, he loves quizzes. But Fred is scared to death of spiders. He is trying to overcome that fear by learning more about them. Help Fred by answering some of the questions below: The most venomous spider in the world is the: A; Black Widow […]

Life of A Cookie Part 7 – In The Middle

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If you are interested in this post but have not seen my other stories, here’s the link! Anywho, I was hopelessly running from the polar bear chasing me, and I was trying to find somewhere I could go that it couldn’t. I scooted behind the pantry… The polar bear ran into the pantry with a bang. Then […]

Slavery in the U.S.

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Early Slavery Slavery was a part of life in the United States from its colonial beginnings, and slave owners used forced labor to build the young nation and it is booming economy. By the 19th century, abolitionists were campaigning to free all slaves, in the face of opposition from many American states. This resulted in […]

A Salute To Heroes

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When disasters strike, we are all grateful to the rescue services whose job it is to swoop in and save the day. It’s easy to forget that these people are trained experts, but nonetheless risk their own lives each time they go to work. Perhaps even more astonishing are the ordinary men, women, and children […]

What If People Only Lived For One Day? What If: Part 2

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Mayflies only live for a couple hours to one day after they are adults, but what if you only lived for one day? If you knew you would live for the time between when you were born to when you fell asleep, how would you spend your day? Would you rush through the day, stuffing […]

What If Dinosaurs Hadn’t Gone Extinct? What If: Part 1

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Note: If I get 3 comments on this post I will consider making a sequel. What If Dinosaurs Hadn’t Gone Extinct? There are several questions to consider here. Who would be the dominate species on earth? Right now, humans stand still at the top of the food chain, and move along side technology, which enable […]

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope

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After 25 years of development, the James Webb Space Telescope aboard an Ariane 5 rocket was launched into space from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana on December 25th, 2021. What an unprecedented breakthrough for astronomy! The James Webb Space Telescope, also referred to as Webb or JWST, is the largest, most complex, and powerful telescope […]

Racism (Skin Color)

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Racist people are not the best people in the world (no offense). Racism runs through generations by the parents telling their children bad things about people that are not like them. In fact, we are all different from each other, but we are all great, even people that have conditions (Dyslexia, ADHD, Autism, social problems, and more), and […]

Struggling With Depression

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Life in the 21st century – anything but boring, and honestly pretty challenging and stressful all the time! We all have real life pressures, struggles, and difficulties to face every day! Everything from academic/achievement pressures to family friction/conflict, from social struggles to navigating complicated friendships, real world battles to personal/internal problems. Sometimes when life is […]


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In this post you will learn about the Python programming language. Python is a high-level general programming languages created in 1991 by Guido van Rossum. It was named after the famous show, “Monty Python’s Flying Circus.” Python uses a lot of indentation instead of parentheses/brackets to make the code easier to read. It can be […]

Tips To Manage Your Anxiety (Part 2)

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Today I’m going to continue with part 2 of my Tips To Manage Your Anxiety series. Last time I brought up tips to help with your breathing and meditation, and today I’m going to focus on how achieving a healthy lifestyle and workout routine could be beneficial to your anxiety and overall well-being. Get exercise […]