Carbon-14: An amazing tool to estimate the age of all living things

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Carbon-14 is used for radio carbon dating. Carbon 14 is a radioactive isotope of carbon with an atomic nucleus containing 6 protons and 8 neutrons. It’s presence in organic materials is the basis of the radio carbon dating method pioneered by Will Libbey and his colleagues to estimate the age of something after it died. […]

The Big Question: Could We Bring Dinosaurs Back To Life?

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Last time I shared with you a post about the incredible possibility of bringing back an iconic extinct species: the Tasmanian Tiger. And after reading it, I’m pretty sure this question might’ve already crossed your mind: How about dinosaurs? Is it possible for scientists to resurrect dinosaurs? Imagine seeing a real dinosaur! Just like in […]

Scientists Plan To Resurrect The Extinct Tasmanian Tiger

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It’s a sad reality that many species have gone extinct and many are currently on the brink of being wiped out. One thing we do know, though: aside from degradation and loss of habitat and climate change, humans are a big part of why animals go extinct. From hunting, over-exploitation, overharvesting, and polluting natural habitats, […]

The Story of Andromeda

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On a dark, cloudless night, we can see thousands of stars scattered across the inky black soup of night. If you look at the stars long enough, you might imagine that you can see simple pictures of people, animals, weapons, and much more. The stars outlining an imaginary picture are called constellations. Queen Cassiopeia Although […]

A Guide to Sri Lanka Part 1 – Important places, main info

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Sri Lanka History Sri Lanka is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. The earliest human inhabitations date to about 38,000 years. Information about Sri Lanka can be found from ancient Chronicles like “Mahavansa”, “deepavansa”, Palivansa”, Rajavaliya” and Choolavansa”. The first ruler of Sri Lanka is King “Pandukabaya” and he was the ruler […]

New Airport Screen “Parallel Reality” Shows Personal Flight Information To Multiple People At Once

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If you’ve ever experienced boarding a plane, you might’ve already known how it’s a struggle to figure out your gate number, boarding time, and other travel details by scanning all the different flights shown on the monitors at the airport. Fortunately, on June 30, 2022, Delta Air Lines, Inc. launched an amazing technology that has […]

How Small Are We In The Scale Of The Universe?

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NASA once said, “Friendly reminder: We’re just a small speck in a massive universe!” Have you ever stopped for a moment and pondered about this?  In the grand scheme of things (of space and time), we’re only specks of dust in this vast universe. It’s such an astonishing yet humbling thought at the same time. […]

NASA Unveils James Webb Telescope’s First Images Of Unseen Universe

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On July 12, 2022, NASA released the long-waited first set of full-color images taken by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)—the largest and most powerful space telescope ever built and launched into space. It marks a momentous day for science, beginning a new era in astronomy. As a recap, James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) was […]

Meet Mr. Trash Wheel, The Trash Interceptor That Gobbles Trash

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Humans are generating and dumping too much trash daily, posing as one of the biggest known environmental threats. And to think that this has been a continuous battle for decades now. Waste or litter finds its way into the ocean and other waterways, affecting water quality, polluting our environment, and spreading diseases, viruses, and parasites. […]

It’s National Ice Cream Month!!!!

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July is National Ice Cream Month. Did you know that? I bet you didn’t! It means your task is to consume extra ice cream in July. The fun tradition was started by former US president Ronald Reagan, who issued Proclamation 5219 in honor of this “nutritious and wholesome food” way back in 1984! President Reagan loved sweet jelly […]

A Near Complete 35,000 year-old Mummified Baby Woolly Mammoth Was Found In Canada

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On June 21, 2022, local gold miners were working on the Eureka Creek in the Klondike gold fields within Trʼondëk Hwëchʼin of the Canadian Territory. A young local miner was digging up muck, excavating for gold. But instead of finding gold, he uncovered a 35,000-year-old frozen baby woolly mammoth in the permafrost that was in […]

DEEP DIVE: How Imperialism Caused World War I…

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Imperialism, which is a policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force, was a major contributing factor to European tensions leading up to the first world war because the effects of Imperialism caused European nations to compete for territory. Many nations gained influence at the expense of others, which ultimately […]

The Secret To Why Cats Go Crazy Over Catnip

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I bet you’ve already watched a bunch of funny videos on the internet about cats rubbing against every surface, flipping out, blissfully rolling around the floor, or darting around the house (generally acting weird) after eating or sniffing catnip. Have you ever wondered why cats go crazy for catnip? But before I tell you the […]

Apollo 11- #1 Beyond Imagination

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It was mind-boggling. The color television itself had been a flat-out miracle when it began to dominate the scene a mere twenty years previous. And now, that technological wonder was about to trump itself. Because very soon, if all went according to plan, it would transmit pictures of an actual man on the actual moon! […]

The Way I See KidzSearch…

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Hello everyone!! After a few posts with quizzes, I thought to post a different article about a great app which plays an important role of letting kids and teens create global connections. We all here know about that marvelous little thing very well. KidzSearch, as its name implies, is a very child -friendly app.  It is […]

14-year-old Invents AI-Driven Technology That Can Detect Early Wildfire

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When you hear the word hero, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? A police officer, firefighter, or maybe a doctor? Or perhaps it’s what you usually see in movies or television? A person with superpowers, a cape, and a mask? But what if I tell you that anyone can be a hero, […]

Test Your Virus Knowledge

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As you all know, corona virus has spread all over the world. It is affecting day to day life and still slowing economies around the world. It has affected millions of peoples, who are either sick or even dying due to the spread of this disease. As a result, extensive precautions are being taken, such as regularly […]

Beating Copyright: How To Find Free Images For Your Posts!

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Let’s face it: Finding non-copyrighted images on the internet can be hard! But before we get into it, let’s explain what copyright is. Copyright is a legal term used to describe the rights that someone has over their work. For example, when you search for cat pictures on Google, most of the results that come […]

Plagiarism and How To Stop It

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What is Plagiarism? When taking notes from a website, a book, or any work of art, you must be very careful not to copy. To copy what someone else has written and passing it off as your own work is a form of stealing called plagiarism. Plagiarism is one of the main reasons posts on […]