20 Wicked Details from the Harry Potter Films You May Have Missed

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The Harry Potter movie franchise was comprised of eight movies in total over ten years, and each movie was made with great attention to detail and design. We, as Potterheads, pride ourselves on all the facts we know about the wizarding world. And I bet you’ve rewatched the movie series countless times already. But did […]

Barbie Travelled To Outer Space For The First Time

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Have you ever dreamed of becoming an astronaut and wondered what it’s like to visit outer space? Well, you’re not alone. Before, Barbie only dreamt of traveling to space, but it’s become a reality now. For the first time in history, Barbie went to space aboard the International Space Station (ISS) as part of the […]

The World’s Smallest Cat: Rusty-spotted Cat

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There are about 10 million animal species living on our planet, and they all come in diverse shapes, sizes, and colors. From the smallest to the largest living animal—there’s no denying that they come in incredible diversity. Did you know that there’s a cat species so small it can actually fit in the palm of […]

The Unsinkable Lizard: Pygmy Gecko

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More than 1,200 animal species can walk on water, but have you ever heard of a minuscule lizard that can float in water? If not, then let me introduce to you the pygmy gecko. The Amazon Pygmy gecko, also known as Pseudogonatodes guianensis, is one of the smallest lizards known in the world. It belongs […]

Should We Keep Animals In Zoos?

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Thousands of people visit local zoos every day because they provide a fantastic opportunity to see and watch the animals housed within enclosures and displayed to the public up close and personal. If you’ve ever been to one, you might have remembered that feeling of being in awe after seeing even the most endangered and […]

110-Million-Year-Old Lizard Trapped In Amber Was Found In Myanmar

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Most modern reptiles living today, such as lizards, snakes, and crocodiles are said to be descendants of dinosaurs. But have you ever wondered if reptiles, particularly lizards, have actually lived when dinosaurs still roamed the Earth? The answer is Yes.  A new scientific study titled “A new Early Cretaceous lizard in Myanmar amber with exceptionally […]

Five Most Popular Misconceptions Debunked: Part 5

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We’re now on part 5, which will be the series finale to our popular misconception series. I hope you had fun and learned a lot while reading them. And if you haven’t read the other parts yet, you can visit parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 on KidzNet. Read on to discover more persistent common […]


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I know, I might sound kind of weird but one of my favorite animals are Tarantulas… Tarantulas give people the creeps because they have large, hairy bodies and legs. While these large spiders can take a painful bite out of a human, a tarantula’s venom has a low toxicity to people. Tarantulas move slowly on […]

Alien Octopuses: A Scientific Paper Claims They Came From Outer Space

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Octopuses are one of the most extraordinary and mysterious sea creatures living on our planet. Due to their amazing yet bizarre qualities, they are also often considered the monsters of the deep, along with other cephalopods like squid, cuttlefish, and nautiluses. Did you ever think that they might be aliens? Well, you might be right! […]

Ocean Fossils

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Ammonites: They are sea animals that first appeared in the fossil record around 400 million years ago in the Devonian period and became extinct at the same time as dinosaurs. They had a soft bodies and used their Spiral-shaped shell for protection. Scientist believe they may have avoided predators by squirting ink. They belong to […]

Slavery in the U.S.

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Early Slavery Slavery was a part of life in the United States from its colonial beginnings, and slave owners used forced labor to build the young nation and it is booming economy. By the 19th century, abolitionists were campaigning to free all slaves, in the face of opposition from many American states. This resulted in […]

Cordyceps: The Mind-Controlling Fungus

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Have you ever heard of a fungus that takes over insects through mind control and turns them into living ‘zombies’? Well, if you haven’t yet, let me introduce Cordyceps to you. Cordyceps, mostly found in tropical forests or jungles, is a parasitic fungus known for infecting insects by releasing spores that attach and penetrate its […]

Russ the Dog’s Long Journey Home

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Ricardo Rodriguez and his 3-year old pitbull named Russ went on a camping trip near Lake Tahoe in August 2021. Everything was going well until Russ somehow got spooked by his surroundings and took off. Rodriquez spent hours looking for him, but all attempts of finding his dog, Russ was unsuccessful. He called the local […]

NASA’s Parker Solar Probe ‘Touches’ the Sun for the First Time

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For the first time in history, a NASA spacecraft called the Parker Solar Probe successfully entered the corona, or the outermost part of the Sun’s atmosphere, hence “touching” the Sun. It is one of the monumental developments in solar science because it has always been one of the key goals of the Parker Solar Probe […]

Tips To Manage Your Anxiety (Part 2)

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Today I’m going to continue with part 2 of my Tips To Manage Your Anxiety series. Last time I brought up tips to help with your breathing and meditation, and today I’m going to focus on how achieving a healthy lifestyle and workout routine could be beneficial to your anxiety and overall well-being. Get exercise […]

The Fruit Story

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By Dash201  Nameeraplayz (former user)  Once upon a time, there were 3 fruits: Kiwi, Apple and Orange. They were smart and clever. One day, they arrived at the beach, The saw a big, empty new house. They thought that it was a free house, but they didn’t check the poster on the house. It said […]

Dragon Crossroad: Prey Facts

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In Australia, dragons like to snack on kangaroos (Sorry to all the kangaroo lovers out there).  They run at a blazing 43 miles per hour (69 kilometers per hour). But getting a whole 100 pounds of meat is anything but a chore. In the olden days, when there were more farmers than grass, a dragon […]