How Do Sugar And Fat Affect Your Brain?

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Candies, cakes, cookies, donuts, ice cream, and sodas—these foods can be pretty irresistible to us. So many of these make up a large portion of our daily intake. And let’s not forget other fast food or processed food, such as bacon, pizza, hotdogs, burgers, fries, and sandwiches. These foods are common comfort food cravings, which […]

Most Popular Holiday Toys of 2022

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Christmas is just around the corner, and I’m quite sure you’re all looking forward to decorating the Christmas tree, spending time with your families, and indulging in a mouthwatering Christmas feast. And let’s not forget one of the things we’re most excited about—exchanging gifts and unwrapping presents! If you’re looking for the perfect gift you […]

My Minecraft Story book 2 part 5

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When they started pumpkin pastures, Steve went straight to the village. He was petrified when he saw what had happened to the village. He was with Hal. Hal exclaimed “Steve! I just remembered there is a way to stop the orb from completely taking over you! You just need to find the remnant of redemption.” […]

My Minecraft Story book 2 part 3

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They started level two. Steve again ignoring majority rule, skipped the intro plot.  When they started the level, they were divided into teams. Valorie was with Hal, Adriene was with Annabeth and Steve was with Alex. Everyone split up to find Hex.  Alex had a horrid feeling that Hex was in the last level.  Steve […]

Writing a Good Post About Events

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Today we are talking about how to write a good post about events. Your first paragraph should immediately tell the reader the time period and should give the topic of the whole post. Unfamiliar terms should be defined for the reader. Example: The main problem was that the Articles of Confederation, the plan of government adopted […]

Brain Drain: Here’s Why Demanding Mental Work Makes You Feel Tired

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We’ve all been there. After studying for several hours, you know you still have to finish homework and even study for your upcoming quiz, but you find it hard to concentrate on your lecture notes and books. You start to feel your eyelids droop, and your brain already feels fuzzy. You feel like you’re slowing […]

New Airport Screen “Parallel Reality” Shows Personal Flight Information To Multiple People At Once

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If you’ve ever experienced boarding a plane, you might’ve already known how it’s a struggle to figure out your gate number, boarding time, and other travel details by scanning all the different flights shown on the monitors at the airport. Fortunately, on June 30, 2022, Delta Air Lines, Inc. launched an amazing technology that has […]

Can Stress Become A Positive? Study Finds A 30-Minute Training Class Can Improve Teenagers’ Stress Response

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Stress has been one of the most prevalent experiences causing health issues not just to kids but also to teens and adults⁠. With everything going on right now⁠—from day-to-day responsibilities and school work, to the continuous global pandemic, everyone’s more stressed than ever. As a result, more people, especially teenagers, exhibit high stress-related signs, such […]

Apollo 11- #6 Almost Empty

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“Sixty seconds!” Not 61. No wiggle room. No “just a couple more seconds, we’re almost there>” and no second chances. They had sixty seconds to land on he moon. Absolutely no one expected it to happen. They had painstakingly planned it so it absolutely wouldn’t-couldn’t happen. But here they were, less than five hundred feet […]

Apollo 11- #5 Alarms

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BAM! Suddenly, the master alarm in the lunar module (LM) rang out for attention with all the racket of a fire bell going off in a broom closet. “Program alarm,” astronaut Neil Armstrong called out from the LM in a clipped but calm voice. “It’s a twelve-oh-two.” “1202,” repeated astronaut Buzz Aldrin. They were 33,500 […]

Apollo 11- #4 The Maiden Voyage

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“The Eagle has wings!” radioed Neil Armstrong from the lunar module as he and Buzz Aldrin flew sixty-nine miles above the moon. Four words. There was no doubt of their meaning: The lunar module Eagle had separated from the command module Columbia and was now flying solo. It was ready to descent onto the moon. Big smiles back on Earth, back […]

Apollo 11- #3 And Upward..

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Space… it’s dangerous out there: micrometeoroids, radiation, airlessness. And coming home would be no picnic, either. The compact-car-sized space capsule would be greeted by searing white-hot flames as it slammed madly back down to earth. “In designing the command module, the one thing we had to be sure of was that we could keep the […]

DEEP DIVE: How Imperialism Caused World War I…

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Imperialism, which is a policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force, was a major contributing factor to European tensions leading up to the first world war because the effects of Imperialism caused European nations to compete for territory. Many nations gained influence at the expense of others, which ultimately […]