Pumpkin and the Cookie Scandal of ’21

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Pumpkin and the Cookie Scandal of ‘21 How does a moderately popular user trick dozens of other children and teenagers into making his comment the most liked in (recent) KidzNet history? The answer: Cookies. Who doesn’t love cookies? America alone consumes about 2 billion cookies each year, according to the South Florida Reporter. Top cookie […]

NASA’s Parker Solar Probe ‘Touches’ the Sun for the First Time

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For the first time in history, a NASA spacecraft called the Parker Solar Probe successfully entered the corona, or the outermost part of the Sun’s atmosphere, hence “touching” the Sun. It is one of the monumental developments in solar science because it has always been one of the key goals of the Parker Solar Probe […]

The Hall Monitor (A Real-Life Story)

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MAY 12, 2008. YingXui, China. A powerful earthquake struck China. It killed more than 70,000 men, leaving more than five million homeless and 375,000 others had dangerous wounds. Lin Hao, a nine-year old student at the biggest building in the small town, was caught in the middle of class when it started quaking.  In under […]

The Legendary Dry Land Of The Saudis: 1-Cactuses

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Cactuses are a spikey-wikey plants. Let me tell you more. Cactuses live in desserts. They store water in Pads and the stem. They can be bought and put in your home, but you cannot overwater them because they store water for a long time. Some of them are poisonous and some are not. We can […]

What If Dinosaurs Hadn’t Gone Extinct? What If: Part 1

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Note: If I get 3 comments on this post I will consider making a sequel. What If Dinosaurs Hadn’t Gone Extinct? There are several questions to consider here. Who would be the dominate species on earth? Right now, humans stand still at the top of the food chain, and move along side technology, which enable […]

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope

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After 25 years of development, the James Webb Space Telescope aboard an Ariane 5 rocket was launched into space from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana on December 25th, 2021. What an unprecedented breakthrough for astronomy! The James Webb Space Telescope, also referred to as Webb or JWST, is the largest, most complex, and powerful telescope […]

Life of A Cookie- Part 4- The Tall Table

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IMPORTANT: READ Chapter 1, Chapter 2, AND Chapter 3 BEFORE READING THIS! “Now we are just going to have to do it if we are ever going to find Esie,” Crumbles said in a matter-of-fact tone. Checkers wasn’t flipping out anymore from the near-miss earlier with Johnathan. He wasn’t screaming now, he was actually not […]

Life of A Cookie- Part 3- Kitchen Crumbles

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IMPORTANT: See Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 before reading this. Luckily, we were all searing hot as the chef said, and Johnathan dropped us as quickly as the oven heats up. We all dropped to the ground on the kitchen floor and rolled in several different directions. Checkers was shrieking in fear. He and Crumbles […]

Science Definitions

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Distance: Distance is how far one thing is from another thing. It can be measured as lines or circles, or up or down. Someone who goes around in a circle has traveled a distance, even though his position has not changed Force Whenever there is an interaction between two objects, there is a force upon […]

The Dust Bowl

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The Dust Bowl is known now as a drought and a long period of sandstorms that targeted mainly Texas, Oklahoma, and surrounding prairie states. Pre-Dust Bowl, farms were spreading and multiplying like rabbits.  The long, sturdy grass roots that anchored much soil in place was replaced by shallow and pliable wheat roots. This was during the […]

Traditional Christmas Foods From Around the World

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Christmas is truly upon us now! I’m quite sure you’re all looking forward to gathering around the Christmas tree, spending time with families, reconnecting with friends, exchanging gifts, and unwrapping presents. And let’s not forget one of the things we’re also looking forward to the most—that is indulging in the delectable Christmas feast served at […]

ISS (International Space Station)

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  Cool facts about the ISS: Total length: 108 meters. Total width: 73 meters. Time to orbit the earth: 91 minutes. Astronauts see 16 sunrises and sunsets a day as the ISS orbits Earth once every 90 minutes. The first piece of the ISS went up in 1998. A crew has continuously lived on board […]

Struggling With Depression

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Life in the 21st century – anything but boring, and honestly pretty challenging and stressful all the time! We all have real life pressures, struggles, and difficulties to face every day! Everything from academic/achievement pressures to family friction/conflict, from social struggles to navigating complicated friendships, real world battles to personal/internal problems. Sometimes when life is […]

Let’s Build a Computer #1 (Binary Numbers)

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In this series you will learn how computers work from the ground up. You will learn by actually building it piece by piece (on paper) in a series of weekly articles. If you continue and follow along, you will fully understand how a modern computer operates down to the smallest detail! Let’s Start! Computers only […]

Make Life Easy For KS Editors

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The editors at KidzSearch work so hard, let’s all give them a vacation for awhile okay? Here are some Ways to Make Life Easier for KidzNet Editors! Way Number 1: Write in your own words! Editors may have to rewrite or disapprove of your post if all there is on it is copy/pasting from other websites. […]

The Fruit Story

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By Dash201  Nameeraplayz (former user)  Once upon a time, there were 3 fruits: Kiwi, Apple and Orange. They were smart and clever. One day, they arrived at the beach, The saw a big, empty new house. They thought that it was a free house, but they didn’t check the poster on the house. It said […]

How To Work KidzNet

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Home Page The home page is for you to see other’s posts. You may click on them if you like to see what others have on their mind. Other’s Posts Once in another’s post, you may read it and comment on it if you so desire. KidzSearch will filter your comment to make sure it […]


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The sky is not gray, but yet not blue. White specks fall from clouds strewn across the sky. Like feathers from a bird of joy does the snow does come to the ground.  A scent sweeps its way through the needles of the lively evergreens and captures me. Hot chocolate is being prepared in the […]

4 Learning Styles

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Have you ever stared at a formula on the classroom wall and it looks like gibberish written in a foreign language? Have you ever been in class and for some reason all you hear is the teacher’s voice from the Charlie Brown movies? Never fear, these things do not mean something is wrong with your […]