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The Dust Bowl is known now as a drought and a long period of sandstorms that targeted mainly Texas, Oklahoma, and surrounding prairie states. Pre-Dust Bowl, farms were spreading and multiplying like rabbits.  The long, sturdy grass roots that anchored much soil in place was replaced by shallow and pliable wheat roots. This was during the Great Depression, when the price of most things shot up rapidly and nobody could afford things. Almost all people planted even more wheat in hope that others would buy it. But nobody could afford the high prices of wheat.

The loose soil was blown away by the wind and made dust storms, which sometimes appeared as a wall of fuzzy stuff in the distance and the next thing you know, BOOM! you are in a sandstorm. You could not see even your nose in front of your face and many people caught dust pneumonia, which occurs when your lungs are filled with dust. The Red Cross distributed dust masks, but some farmers refuse to wear them.

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Many people moved to California. There they were called “Okies” because most were from Oklahoma. They were looked down upon and mistreated.

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So right now, let’s all be thankful we did not have to suffer this, and with that said, happy holidays, all right?

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