Scaly-foot Snail: The Snail with Iron Armor

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Snails are well-known for one of their striking physical features—the spiral shell they load on the back. But have you ever heard of a snail with a shell made out of iron? If you haven’t yet, let me introduce this remarkable creature, the Scaly-foot snail. Chrysomallon squamiferum, most commonly known as a scaly-foot snail, is […]

It’s National Ice Cream Month!!!!

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July is National Ice Cream Month. Did you know that? I bet you didn’t! It means your task is to consume extra ice cream in July. The fun tradition was started by former US president Ronald Reagan, who issued Proclamation 5219 in honor of this “nutritious and wholesome food” way back in 1984! President Reagan loved sweet jelly […]

The Truth: Does Hot Water Freezes Faster Than Cold Water?

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Have you ever experienced opening up your fridge to get some ice cubes for your drink but were welcomed with empty trays instead? It’s kind of frustrating, right? But did you know there’s a simple and quite effective way to make ice cubes quickly? And that is to use hot water instead of cold! Yes, […]

Astronomers Ready for the First Glimpse of an Ever-burning World

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Have you ever wondered what the place known as Hell might really look like? Imagine a world that burns ceaselessly and eternally, with fires that burn forever. Sounds eerie yet cool, right? Finally, getting a glimpse of a world like that is not as far-fetched as we think anymore. For the first time, NASA astronomers […]

14-year-old Invents AI-Driven Technology That Can Detect Early Wildfire

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When you hear the word hero, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? A police officer, firefighter, or maybe a doctor? Or perhaps it’s what you usually see in movies or television? A person with superpowers, a cape, and a mask? But what if I tell you that anyone can be a hero, […]

Types of Rocks Pt. 3: The Changed Ones

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The change of a caterpillar into a butterfly is called metamorphosis: meaning, to transform. A similar term- metamorphism – is used to describe the change of a rock into a new type of rock. Such change may be brought about by extreme heat or pressure. These are called metamorphic rocks. Based on their appearance and texture, metamorphic rocks […]

Types of Rocks Pt. 2: The Layered Ones

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In part 1 of this article we discussed fiery liquid rocks, like lava. However, most of the earth’s crust is covered by a layer of sand and mineral fragments, or sediments. In many places, heat and pressure have compacted these sediments into solid rock. This is called sedimentary rock. Over 75 percent of the earth’s surface is covered […]

Best Dog Breeds for Kids

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Man’s best friend comes in different breeds. There are some for us, kids. They are cute and friendly. 1.Retrievers 2.Beagles 3.Bulldogs 4.Newfoundlands 5.German shepherds 6.Pugs 7.Cocker spaniels 8.Poodles 9.Soft coated wheaten terriers 10.Boxers If your looking for a friend, one of these dogs might do you good. Please comment below with your pick for the […]

Five Most Popular Misconceptions Debunked: Part 3

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Many of us thought popular myths and misconceptions were “facts” before, because, let’s be honest, several of them may have been taught to us in school. We may have even have heard some from our parents, or other people time and time again. That’s why it’s important to call out all these false concepts so […]

Best User Award #2 Reminder

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If you have not voted for best user yet, here’s the link: Just simply click on the user you want and submit the vote! Don’t forget to vote on all of the subjects! If you were not a nominee for the award, hopefully I will have more contests like these in the near future. Also […]

NASA’s Parker Solar Probe ‘Touches’ the Sun for the First Time

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For the first time in history, a NASA spacecraft called the Parker Solar Probe successfully entered the corona, or the outermost part of the Sun’s atmosphere, hence “touching” the Sun. It is one of the monumental developments in solar science because it has always been one of the key goals of the Parker Solar Probe […]

Climate Change – A Dramatic Change

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When people cut trees, greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide which trees normally convert to oxygen for us, get collected in the atmosphere. After that, UV sunlight rays hit the earth, and things like the ocean, mountains, cement, buildings, and icebergs reflect them back up to the sky. The rays reflect back down again instead of […]

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope

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After 25 years of development, the James Webb Space Telescope aboard an Ariane 5 rocket was launched into space from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana on December 25th, 2021. What an unprecedented breakthrough for astronomy! The James Webb Space Telescope, also referred to as Webb or JWST, is the largest, most complex, and powerful telescope […]