Heatwaves? Try These Tips to Keep Cool in the Summer Heat

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As temperatures continue to rise around the world, more and more people are at risk of the dangers of heat waves. This is why it’s important to be aware of the risks associated with this hot weather.  If not properly addressed, extreme heat can cause serious health risks, such as dehydration, heat exhaustion, and even […]

Do Black/Dark Colors Gather More Heat (Experiment)?

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MATERIALS: 2 cans Black paint White paint Painting brush Water Thermometer ORDER OF ACTIONS:  Paint one of the cans black, and the other one white. Fill the cans with water and record the temperature of both cans. Leave the cans in sun for about 1 hour. Measure the temperature in each can. RESULTS The water […]

Unprecedented Heatwaves Hitting the Earth’s Poles Alarm Climate Scientists

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The Earth’s poles, North and South, are simultaneously experiencing a rise in temperatures above normal levels in mid-March. Weather stations located in the parts of Antarctica have already recorded the place was 104° Fahrenheit (40° C) warmer than usual! Weather stations located near the Arctic regions have also recorded signs of heatwaves, hitting about 86° […]

The First Mexican Taco Stand To Get A Michelin Star

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In the food industry, a Michelin star is awarded to the best restaurants in a city, giving them prestige and attracting more customers.  Restaurants with a Michelin Star are known for their exceptional cooking, which is based on five main criteria: ingredient quality, flavor harmony, cooking techniques, the chef’s personality shown through the cuisine, and […]

Fictional Wars Ep. 6- Texan-Californian War Pt. 6

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The Texans clearly were winning. Californian President George Carlton was saddened, but he realized something. California had 40 million people, and Texas had 31 million. Soon, Carlton decided to introduce a conscription system. Although it was met with resistance, the Californian military now had 3.7 million people as compared to the 2.1 million people of […]

A Couple of Things Mojang Should Add to Minecraft

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Minecraft has a couple of mobs you can get using cheats, but this cheating doesn’t really count as seeing the real mob in the game. #1 (I would love Mojang to add this to Minecraft): The illusioner. This illusion doesn’t make sense, and even the pros don’t know how to fight it. #2 The giant […]

The Drinking Bird Could Soon Be the Key to Clean Energy To Power Your Gadgets

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Have you ever seen a drinking bird toy? It’s made of two glass bulbs connected by a glass tube. The bottom bulb is filled with a highly volatile liquid, methylene chloride. On the other hand, the top bulb is shaped like a bird’s head with a beak and a decorative top hat covered with a […]

A 13-Year-Old Experiment Proves Archimedes’ “Death Ray” Invention Is Possible

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Archimedes was a well-known scientist and mathematician who made important inventions and scientific contributions. Among them was the “Death Ray,” sometimes called the heat ray, a powerful device that could use the sun’s power through mirrors to destroy enemy ships.  It’s believed that Archimedes used this invention to burn Roman ships during the Siege of […]

Astronomers Find Universe’s Brightest Object With a Black Hole That Eats a Sun a Day

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Listen up, space enthusiasts! Here’s another record-breaking news I’m pretty sure you’d LOVE. Did you know that the brightest possible object ever in the universe was discovered by astronomers? Yes. You read that right! Scientists at the Australian National University discovered the brightest object in the universe, called a quasar, was found to be hiding […]

Celebrating St. Urho’s Day – March 16

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Hej Everyone, it’s Carly. March is an interesting month for me; I have spring break, which means I can research Nordic history and culture all week long. It is also my birthday on March 26 (I’m turning 14), and there is a holiday everyone is familiar with. St Patrick’s Day. Now, I will talk about […]

TNNFC EP. 2 Ads (Before The Actual Fight)

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Scientists Propose A Giant Space Sun Shield To Help Combat Global Warming

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For more than 100 years, scientists have been studying global warming and its disastrous effects, one of our planet’s most critical issues.  From heat waves, severe storms and flooding, and increased drought to changing weather patterns, melting glaciers and warming oceans, rising sea levels, loss of species, and even health risks, these catastrophic effects of […]

The Sweet History of Marshmallows

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Marshmallows are a favored treat that people of all ages enjoy. They’re sweet, delicious, and creamy, not to mention pillowy when you squish or bite down on them!  Whether it’s toasted over a campfire, melted into hot cocoa, dipped in chocolate fondue, used as a filling for baked goods, or topping for ice cream, marshmallows […]

Where Does Oil Come From? The Myth About Fossil Fuels and Dinosaurs Debunked

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Oil is an important resource that you can see everywhere around us. It plays an essential part in the quality of our lives, and it’s hard to imagine a world without it.  From transportation and heating, to electricity and manufacturing essential products for our daily routine, like household appliances, computers, plastics, paint, and cosmetics, the […]

The Six Seasons of Bangladesh

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This is Bangladesh. The home of Bengali people. The land of enormous beauty. The country of many rivers. Also known as the land of six seasons. That’s right, Bangladesh has six seasons. Winter, summer, and monsoon are the three main seasons in areas close to the Indian Ocean. However, Bangladesh separates these three seasons into […]