History of Samsung

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Hello 🙂 In this article, we will talk about the History of Samsung. Dive into Samsung’s evolution from a humble grocery store inception in 1938 to a trailblazing global conglomerate. Explore their iconic Galaxy series, pioneering semiconductor dominance, and commitment to sustainability. Facts When was Samsung founded? It was founded on March 1, 1938 When […]

Family is Forever – Episode 5

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Longest running GravityCentered series. Wow! Okay, let’s get to the action. *RING RING RING!* Kevin picked up the phone. “Who is it?” Kevin said first. “It’s the *inaudible speaking ensues* of Terrance Phillips. He- *more inaudible speaking*” the man said. “Alright, I’ll sleep on it. Next time, don’t call me at 5:47 in the morning. […]

Family is Forever – Episode 5 TEASER

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“Hey, Kidznet users and NobodyImportant!” said Kevin. “Yeah. That’s right. I’m breaking the fourth wall-“ Kevin continued before being interrupted. “Okay, okay. This is episode 5. Super cool, right? It was pretty easy to talk to you. All we did was-“ Jack butted in. “HEY, HEY, HEY! Don’t tell them!” Hailey said. “We just got […]

Trouble Sleeping? Here’s How to Fall Asleep Fast

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Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for our overall health and well-being. It helps our bodies repair and rejuvenate, allowing us to wake up feeling refreshed and energized for the day ahead.  Sleep is also known to improve a person’s brain function, memory, and concentration. It also helps reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, lowers […]

Here’s How Parrots Can Talk Like Humans

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For humans, communication is an essential aspect of all relationships. We talk to convey our feelings and thoughts, understand others, create and strengthen bonds, resolve conflicts, and collaborate and share ideas with the people around us.  But did you know that aside from humans, some animals can mimic human speech? You may have already heard […]

Here’s How You Can Make Studying A Daily Habit

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Studying can be challenging, especially if you’re already juggling many responsibilities, whether in academics or personal life. When faced with time-consuming activities, such as schoolwork, assignments, and exams, adjusting to these workloads can be stressful and require much preparation. This is why it’s important to make studying a daily habit to help you mentally and […]

The Pros And Cons Of Artificial Intelligence: How It Will Change Society

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In today’s world, the advancement in technology has been evolving rapidly over the years. From electricity, automobiles, roadways, infrastructures, robotics, and the internet to smartphones (among others), technology has contributed so much to our convenience and has been a part of our daily lives.  Undoubtedly, technology plays an essential role in our society today, and […]

Maps and Making Maps

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The earliest maps did not portray the world as it was but instead reflected the beliefs of those who made them. As people learned more about the world around them, maps became more realistic. By the Age of Exploration in Europe, ocean explorers used map making, or cartography, extensively to chart unfamiliar shores. Today, advances […]

Accept the Call?

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OPINION: The usage of smartphones has exceedingly increased. This is because the owners have become younger and younger. Five years ago, the average age at which kids got their first smartphone was twelve years old. Last year, it was ten! That’s a very good thing. Smartphones have lots of reasons why kids should own them. […]

Cats Can Recognize Their Owners’ Voices, Study Finds

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If you have a pet cat at home, you’re probably guilty of speaking in a high-pitched voice just to get your cat’s attention. You might even wonder if they ever really recognize you and know you’re talking to them at some point. Well. But what if I tell you that your cat can definitely recognize […]

How Do Sugar And Fat Affect Your Brain?

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Candies, cakes, cookies, donuts, ice cream, and sodas—these foods can be pretty irresistible to us. So many of these make up a large portion of our daily intake. And let’s not forget other fast food or processed food, such as bacon, pizza, hotdogs, burgers, fries, and sandwiches. These foods are common comfort food cravings, which […]

Achievable Alternatives to New Year’s Resolutions You Can Do

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Since it’s already 2023, people often make their New Year’s resolutions to hit the refresh button and get things right. But this idea of making resolutions may also feel difficult and overwhelming, especially if you commonly struggle to follow through with a commitment. So, instead of making New Year’s resolutions, why not try these four […]