Family is Forever – Episode 8

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This is my second time writing this because I accidentally pressed on the Kidzsearch logo and it reset all of my progress. I am extremely angry right now, but I will still make this good. As Phil Weston said in kicking and screaming, “I am angry. I’m- I’m spitting angry! I’m like a tornado of […]

Dinosaurs and Dragons — Oh My! Every Sunday Story #3

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Be strong in the Lord and in his great power. Wear the full armor of God.— EPHESIANS 6:10-11 Did you know dragons and dinosaurs are in the Bible? Check this out from Job 41: “Can you catch Leviathan on a fishhook? … If you put one hand on him, you will never forget the battle. […]

King of Valhalla- INTRO

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“Oh mY gOsH, DuDE a ThIRd sErIEs?!” “Yes.” ”But tHaTS tOo mANy-“ ”epepep. Shush.” OKAY! This is based off of stories my friends made up while playing the Fortnite creative game VALHALLA (go play it it’s very good). This story is completely fictional and any relation to actual events is purely coincidental. Anyways, the realms […]

Family is Forever – Episode 6

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Episode 6! Geez! I’ve made it pretty far. Anyways, let’s get to it. *2 years prior to the current events* “Going into round 2, Aaron Richardson is already looking tired; already has bruises. He has never had to go past round 7 in his professional career. He has an incredible chin, but Phillips’ power is […]

Family is Forever – Episode 5

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Longest running GravityCentered series. Wow! Okay, let’s get to the action. *RING RING RING!* Kevin picked up the phone. “Who is it?” Kevin said first. “It’s the *inaudible speaking ensues* of Terrance Phillips. He- *more inaudible speaking*” the man said. “Alright, I’ll sleep on it. Next time, don’t call me at 5:47 in the morning. […]

Family is Forever – Episode 5 TEASER

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“Hey, Kidznet users and NobodyImportant!” said Kevin. “Yeah. That’s right. I’m breaking the fourth wall-“ Kevin continued before being interrupted. “Okay, okay. This is episode 5. Super cool, right? It was pretty easy to talk to you. All we did was-“ Jack butted in. “HEY, HEY, HEY! Don’t tell them!” Hailey said. “We just got […]

Family is Forever – Episode 4

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It’s finally Episode 4. Yay! Anyways, it’s been a while since my last episode. Is it a new series? Hmmmmm? No. Not now. So let’s get to the story. *BANG BANG BANG!* “Geez, man, I’m coming!” said Kevin. “You and Jack wanna miss my first match?” Norton replied. “We get it, drama queen!” Kevin said […]

50 Man Crew Episode 2

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TWO WEEKS AFTER THE EVENTS OF EPISODE ONE: “So my case, your honor, is that these children have been abused, mistreated, and have been living in bad conditions. We should change that. My point is: These children will not learn how to reenter society as competent and model citizens if these guards and prisons are […]

50 Man Crew- Episode 1

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You can read the intro here if you haven’t read it yet. “Lights out, you rats.” said the guard. Devin and his bunkmate, Cruz, were snickering as they dialed a number on their stolen phone. They quietly called the lawyer and made their plan. Their prison, Redwood Prison, had horrible conditions and was filled with […]

50 Man Crew- INTRO

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Hello everyone! This is another GravityCentered exclusive series. Drumroll pleaaassseee… 50-Man Crew! This is a story of a 15-year-old named Devin William Obrey, and eventually his friend group and the “organization” he is a part of. Devin was incarcerated for Grand Theft Auto (the crime, not the game), 4 COUNTS of it. He is a […]

Turtle: The World’s First War Submarine

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Submersibles are incredible innovations; they can be deployed from the ship to the sea, diving underwater and staying submerged for a long time. In today’s world, these remarkable underwater crafts help humans better understand the marine environment and its life. It’s commonly used for exploration and research purposes, including searching for shipwrecks and documenting ocean […]

Family is Forever (GravityCentered Original Story) Introduction part 1

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Alright! My new series has begun here. I will get to the setting and characters right about… NOW! Marley: a busy workaholic mom who loves her kids. Dirty blonde with a slim build. Kevin: a laid-back, happy-yet-sad dad who hasn’t seen his kids in years. Brown with a buff build. Jack: the 16-year-old son of […]

The History Of Father’s Day

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On the third Sunday in June every year, people worldwide honor fathers, fatherhood, and their role in the family. This year, Father’s Day was celebrated on June 18, 2023. It’s a day to show appreciation not only to the fathers but also to the father figures and husbands in people’s lives.  But while many people […]

The Interesting History of the Potato Chips

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Potato chips, also called crisps, are one of the most popular snacks consumed worldwide today. It comes in a variety of flavors—from the classic, cheese, and sour cream, to barbecue, among others. For many people, a movie night or picnic won’t be complete without potato chips. But have you ever wondered how this favored snack […]

Stubbs The Cat: Honorary Mayor For An Alaskan Town For 20 Years

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Having a mayor in a city or town is important because the person will be the chief executive officer responsible for the town’s general welfare, including the residents and the town’s goals. This includes enforcing all ordinances concerning the city’s governance and implementing its programs, projects, services, and activities. And without one, a place won’t […]