Kola Superdeep Borehole – The World’s Deepest Hole

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The Kola Superdeep Borehole is the result of a scientific drilling project of the Soviet Union in the Pechengsky District, on the Kola Peninsula. The project attempted to drill as deep as possible into the Earth’s crust. Drilling began on May 24th, 1970. Boreholes were drilled by branching from a central hole. The deepest, SG-3, reached 12,262 metres (40,230 ft; 7,619 mi) in […]

The First Mexican Taco Stand To Get A Michelin Star

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In the food industry, a Michelin star is awarded to the best restaurants in a city, giving them prestige and attracting more customers.  Restaurants with a Michelin Star are known for their exceptional cooking, which is based on five main criteria: ingredient quality, flavor harmony, cooking techniques, the chef’s personality shown through the cuisine, and […]

Japan’s Newest Species: The Skeleton Panda Sea Squirt

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Our planet is home to an incredibly diverse range of species, with new discoveries being made every year. In fact, did you know that it’s estimated that approximately 18,000 new species are discovered every year, adding to the already comprehensive record of life on Earth?  That’s a LOT, right? Today, I have some exciting news […]

How Cardboard is Made. Part 1, Some Basic Info

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There are various uses for cardboard, hardcover books, files, etc. There are 3  main types of cardboard, 1st quality, 2nd quality, and finally, millboard. Which one of these you use depends on the quality and the strength you need. 1st is the costliest and strongest.  2nd is intermediate. People usually mix something else other than […]

Scientists Discover Wax Worm: The Plastic-Eating Larva

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There’s no denying that plastic has been useful and convenient to us, and we’re surrounded by it. It’s in the shopping bags we use for grocery items, the food packaging we discard, and plastic bottles or straws we drink from. However, this innovation came with a massive ecological cost. As a result, the rapid production […]

Scientists Plan To Resurrect The Extinct Tasmanian Tiger

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It’s a sad reality that many species have gone extinct and many are currently on the brink of being wiped out. One thing we do know, though: aside from degradation and loss of habitat and climate change, humans are a big part of why animals go extinct. From hunting, over-exploitation, overharvesting, and polluting natural habitats, […]

NASA Unveils James Webb Telescope’s First Images Of Unseen Universe

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On July 12, 2022, NASA released the long-waited first set of full-color images taken by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)—the largest and most powerful space telescope ever built and launched into space. It marks a momentous day for science, beginning a new era in astronomy. As a recap, James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) was […]

The World’s Smallest Cat: Rusty-spotted Cat

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There are about 10 million animal species living on our planet, and they all come in diverse shapes, sizes, and colors. From the smallest to the largest living animal—there’s no denying that they come in incredible diversity. Did you know that there’s a cat species so small it can actually fit in the palm of […]

Five Most Popular Misconceptions Debunked: Part 3

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Many of us thought popular myths and misconceptions were “facts” before, because, let’s be honest, several of them may have been taught to us in school. We may have even have heard some from our parents, or other people time and time again. That’s why it’s important to call out all these false concepts so […]

Life of A Cookie- Part 4- The Tall Table

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IMPORTANT: READ Chapter 1, Chapter 2, AND Chapter 3 BEFORE READING THIS! “Now we are just going to have to do it if we are ever going to find Esie,” Crumbles said in a matter-of-fact tone. Checkers wasn’t flipping out anymore from the near-miss earlier with Johnathan. He wasn’t screaming now, he was actually not […]