Space Exploration

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NASA, which stands for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration was created under President Dwight D. Eisenhower in the United States on October 1st, 1958. It is a government funded program that supports both civilian and aeronautical space research. One of the reasons it was created was to keep up with the Soviet Union after […]

Let’s Build a Computer #1 (Binary Numbers)

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In this series you will learn how computers work from the ground up. You will learn by actually building it piece by piece (on paper) in a series of weekly articles. If you continue and follow along, you will fully understand how a modern computer operates down to the smallest detail! Let’s Start! Computers only […]

The Difference Between Invertebrate and Vertebrate Animals.

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Do you know the difference between Invertebrates and Vertebrates? In the animal kingdom many animals have no internal skeleton or even a backbone (spinal column). We call animals without a backbone or skeleton invertebrates. Those that have a skeleton are called vertebrates. Examples of vertebrates include fish, birds, reptiles, and mammals. Humans are considered to […]

Best User Awards

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So hi! Let’s just start. Here are the best user nominees:   Pumpkin kidzsearch esie Dash201 klodnxj1612 JD2005 Reader sharkyman asianviking8 DukeSilver Award ceremony Mr/Mrs cool guy/girl is 1. @jd2005 and @dukesilver 2. @esie 3. @reader Mr/Mrs Most Aggressive 1. @pumpkin 2 .@dash201 3.  Commando NOT HERE Most Friendly 1. @asianviking8 2. @esie 3. @spacebee Best at Commenting 1. @klodnxj1612 2. @asianviking8 3. ALL USERS […]