
How To Join KidzNet!

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How To Register:

  • Go on KidzNet.
  • Click the Register button right next to the log in button.
  • Fill out the username field.
  • DO NOT use your name or any part of your name in the username!
  • Input your parent’s email address into the Email field.
  • Have parental consent before using their email.
  • Make a password. Use something that you can remember, but only you would know.
  • Click “complete sign up”
  • Next, your parent’s will get an email and they need to click on the confirmation link to make your account active. This is an important step.

Why Should I Sign Up?

  • You get notified if someone replies to your comment, or comments on something you wrote.
  • You can friend other users.
  • You can collect points and badges.
  • You can change your profile picture.
  • You don’t need to type in your username every time.
  • You can follow other users.
  • You can bookmark posts.
  • Your profile will tell you what your KN friends are up to.
  • It is free to join.
  • You can become more well-known in the KN community.

Everyone who is thinking about joining, we welcome you with open arms!

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