Why Do Onions Make You Cry?

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If you’ve ever sliced or chopped an onion before, I’m pretty sure you’ve already experienced at some point that sudden feeling of your eyes stinging and tears running down your face. Now you might wonder why cutting one can make you cry.  Well, let me tell you a secret. It comes down to fascinating biochemistry. […]

Would You Eat Lab-Grown Meat?

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Consumption of meat, such as beef, pork, and poultry, has always been a big part of most people’s daily lives. And for the past decades, consumption of it has increased dramatically worldwide. As the demand for meat consumption continues to grow globally, so does the need to produce them. However, scientists believe consuming too much […]

Rats Have Rhythm And Can Dance To A Good Beat

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The sound of music has always made people move along to the beat. I’m quite sure you’ve already experienced that urge to dance upon hearing your favorite songs. From tapping, clapping, nodding, bouncing, and bopping, we let our bodies move along with the rhythm.  But aside from humans, some animals are also known to dance […]

Most Popular Holiday Toys of 2022

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Christmas is just around the corner, and I’m quite sure you’re all looking forward to decorating the Christmas tree, spending time with your families, and indulging in a mouthwatering Christmas feast. And let’s not forget one of the things we’re most excited about—exchanging gifts and unwrapping presents! If you’re looking for the perfect gift you […]

What Happens In A Butterfly’s Chrysalis?

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How in the world do those little caterpillars turn into a beautiful butterfly? Exactly what happens in the chrysalis? A butterfly starts as a little egg. Then that egg hatches to be a caterpillar. Then all that caterpillar does is eat and eat and eat for days. Once that caterpillar has eaten and grown enough, […]

Rats Wearing Backpacks Are Trained To Rescue Earthquake Survivors

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Natural disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods occur yearly around the globe. And sadly, many people are gravely affected, and some lose their lives due to these incredibly destructive disasters.  For earthquakes, it’s a painstaking task to perform search and rescue operations for survivors in collapsed structures. But a group of scientists already devised an […]

Why Black Cats Are Associated With Halloween?

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We’re now on part 3 of our Halloween series. If you haven’t read the other parts yet and want to catch up, you can read parts 1 and 2 on KidzNet. Now, we’re going to talk about the History of Black Cats and Halloween. Black cats have long been associated with Halloween. Images and decorations […]

The Origins of Why People Carve Jack-O’-Lanterns for Halloween

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Last time, I shared with you the origins of the widespread custom of Trick-or-treating. And I do hope you enjoyed it! But if you haven’t read it yet, you can do so here on KidzNet. Now, we’re on part 2 of our Halloween series. Here, we’ll discover the origins of one of the most popular […]

Alien Plants: Are There Intelligent Plants In The Universe?

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Scientists have long been searching for any telltale signs of life on other planets or celestial bodies in space. And if you’ve already watched a bunch of movies about aliens, I’m pretty sure this question has crossed your mind multiple times.  Is there really extraterrestrial life beyond Earth? From sentient humanoid aliens in Star Wars […]

What Causes The Northern Lights?

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An aurora, also known as the polar lights, is a stunning natural light show in the Earth’s sky. With its vibrant patterns of glowing, colorful lights that appear as flickers, rays, spirals, or curtains, it’s definitely one of the most breathtaking displays in the night sky.  And if you’ve already seen an aurora in person […]

How Do Ants Craw on Walls? A Biologist Has The Answer

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Ants are such fascinating insects. And if you’ve tried to observe one’s behavior or maybe a bunch of them, I’m quite sure you’ve already watched them walk up a wall. I once saw an army of them crawling up the wall while carrying something bigger than them.  How amazing is that? And the real question […]

Why Do Hammerhead Sharks Have Hammer-Shaped Heads?

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More than 500 shark species are in our planet’s oceans, and they come in different colors, shapes, and sizes. And I must say, the hammerhead sharks are perhaps one of the most peculiar yet cool-looking of all sharks. Hammerhead sharks, also known as sphyrnids, are cartilaginous fishes that belong to the family Sphyrnidae and the […]

My Minecraft Story – Book 2 Part 1

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When Steve got to Minecraft dungeons, Steve had to watch the intro plot. He skipped it. When Steve made it to camp Alex asked “Ready?”. Steve said “It’s nighttime where are  the beds?!” Alex laughed “There are no beds in this game!” Steve then saw the gift wrapper and ran up to it and  attempted […]

Haikouichthys: The First Known Fish That Lived On Earth

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We think that life began on Earth at least 3.5 to 4 billion years ago. This is because the oldest evidence of life form recorded is a 3.49-billion-year-old microscopic fossil. The remains of the Stromatolites or microbial reefs created by cyanobacteria were found in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. This oldest fossil ever discovered […]

MCN’s Minecraft Story (Revised)

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Hello! I revised MCN’s Minecraft story! Credit to her for making it! Steve was about to leave his house for the morning. When he looked out his window, he saw an illager raid. He knew he didn’t cause it. He always has milk in his inventory in case he ever needs to instantly clear a status […]

Why Does The Moon Look Close Some Nights And Far Away On Other Nights?

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If you’ve ever gone outside to gaze at the night sky, you might’ve already noticed that the Moon looks so close and huge on some nights. But on other nights, it seems far away and is back to looking like its usual size. Such a mysterious sight, right? So how does this happen? Here’s the […]

Writing a Good Post About Events

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Today we are talking about how to write a good post about events. Your first paragraph should immediately tell the reader the time period and should give the topic of the whole post. Unfamiliar terms should be defined for the reader. Example: The main problem was that the Articles of Confederation, the plan of government adopted […]

The Big Question: Could We Bring Dinosaurs Back To Life?

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Last time I shared with you a post about the incredible possibility of bringing back an iconic extinct species: the Tasmanian Tiger. And after reading it, I’m pretty sure this question might’ve already crossed your mind: How about dinosaurs? Is it possible for scientists to resurrect dinosaurs? Imagine seeing a real dinosaur! Just like in […]

Scientists Plan To Resurrect The Extinct Tasmanian Tiger

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It’s a sad reality that many species have gone extinct and many are currently on the brink of being wiped out. One thing we do know, though: aside from degradation and loss of habitat and climate change, humans are a big part of why animals go extinct. From hunting, over-exploitation, overharvesting, and polluting natural habitats, […]