So.. Much.. Coal!

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Honestly, I did not know there was so many types of coal until I researched for this post. But, before we get into that, let’s dive into what coal is. Coal is formed from decayed plant matter and is commonly found in sedimentary rock. Over half of the electricity produced in the United States is made […]

Harvard Scientists Think Our Universe Was Created In An Alien Laboratory

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How was our universe created? Where did our universe come from? And how is our universe the way it is?  Over the years, scientists have been exploring and trying to answer one of the biggest unanswered mysteries: the origin of our universe. And there have been many intriguing theories about it that have been circulating […]

Alligator VS Crocodile: Which One?

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An alligator and a crocodile. What is the difference? This is what we are talking about today! I did A LOT of research for this, so hang tight! Alligators: Freshwater Dangers In the United States, you may find alligators mostly near Texas or more towards the northeast. It prefers freshwater, and places such as lakes […]

Kola Superdeep Borehole – The World’s Deepest Hole

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The Kola Superdeep Borehole is the result of a scientific drilling project of the Soviet Union in the Pechengsky District, on the Kola Peninsula. The project attempted to drill as deep as possible into the Earth’s crust. Drilling began on May 24th, 1970. Boreholes were drilled by branching from a central hole. The deepest, SG-3, reached 12,262 metres (40,230 ft; 7,619 mi) in […]

Should Kids Be Allowed to Vote in the U.S?

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Today, American citizens who are 18 years old or above can vote, but did you know that there have been debates gaining momentum about expanding voting rights to younger people? Please vote and comment about your personal opinion on this important topic at the end of the article. Voting has always been an important choice […]

Slavery in the U.S.

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Early Slavery Slavery was a part of life in the United States from its colonial beginnings, and slave owners used forced labor to build the young nation and it is booming economy. By the 19th century, abolitionists were campaigning to free all slaves, in the face of opposition from many American states. This resulted in […]

Unique New Year Traditions Around the World

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The New Year marks a time when a new calendar year begins, bidding goodbye to the old one. The festivities usually begin on the evening of December 31st for most countries, which is the last day of the Gregorian calendar, also known as New Year’s Eve. However, as we will see, different countries and cultures […]

The Dust Bowl

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The Dust Bowl is known now as a drought and a long period of sandstorms that targeted mainly Texas, Oklahoma, and surrounding prairie states. Pre-Dust Bowl, farms were spreading and multiplying like rabbits.  The long, sturdy grass roots that anchored much soil in place was replaced by shallow and pliable wheat roots. This was during the […]

Traditional Christmas Foods From Around the World

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Christmas is truly upon us now! I’m quite sure you’re all looking forward to gathering around the Christmas tree, spending time with families, reconnecting with friends, exchanging gifts, and unwrapping presents. And let’s not forget one of the things we’re also looking forward to the most—that is indulging in the delectable Christmas feast served at […]

ISS (International Space Station)

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  Cool facts about the ISS: Total length: 108 meters. Total width: 73 meters. Time to orbit the earth: 91 minutes. Astronauts see 16 sunrises and sunsets a day as the ISS orbits Earth once every 90 minutes. The first piece of the ISS went up in 1998. A crew has continuously lived on board […]

Space Exploration

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NASA, which stands for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration was created under President Dwight D. Eisenhower in the United States on October 1st, 1958. It is a government funded program that supports both civilian and aeronautical space research. One of the reasons it was created was to keep up with the Soviet Union after […]

A Season of Gratitude

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Every last Thursday of November, Thanksgiving is celebrated across the United States. But what is Thanksgiving? How did this holiday begin and, what does this day mean for us now? Thanksgiving was proclaimed a national holiday in 1789 by President George Washington. However, the holiday was celebrated off and on until 1942 when Congress officially […]

Hunting Controversy

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Salve, everyone I noticed that there is a lot of controversy about hunting. I will make something clear. There will be NO insulting others, NO purposefully putting someone down, and NO cursing. Your opinions are valid. You cannot make others stop hunting or make others start hunting. Please don’t bring hate to your fellow “Netters.” I […]