The Most Popular Holiday Toys for 2023

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As the holiday season approaches, I’m pretty sure many of us are getting into the Christmas spirit now. Some may even already be adorning their houses with decorations, eagerly preparing for the most wonderful time of the year. Among the many things that make the holidays exciting, unwrapping presents is definitely one that many people […]

14-year-old Virginia Teen Honored for Inventing Potential Skin Cancer-Treating Soap

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Did you know that one of the most common types of cancer happens on our skin? Melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer. It occurs on our pigment producing skin cells. Getting too much unprotected sun exposure is a major cause of it. Scientists have spent decades in search of a cure for […]

I Answered 39 Questions About Nordic Culture

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Answer: Norway. It is the 1st one I got introduced to, and it is very interesting and cool. 2. Have you ever visited any Nordic countries? If so, which ones and what was your favorite experience? Answer: None 🙁 3. What is your favorite Nordic dish or food? Answer: Swedish Meatballs and Norwegian Salmon. 4. […]

Only One in the World: Rare Spotless Giraffe Born In U.S. Zoo

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On July 31, 2023, a rare spotless giraffe was born at Brights Zoo in Washington County, Tennessee. The last reported sighting of a spotless giraffe was at Ueno Zoo in Tokyo, Japan, in 1972. Its name was Toshiko. Amazing, right? Experts believe the calf is the only solid-colored reticulated giraffe living on the planet.  Reticulated […]

The Louisiana Purchase

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In 1803, The French presented the US with an opportunity to purchase the Louisiana territory, which is the western half of the Mississippi River basin, from France by the United States. Thomas Jefferson thought that France might want to control the Mississippi River. So he sent Robert Livingstone and James Monroes to France to negotiate a deal. Surprisingly, they were given […]

The Bajau Tribe: Meet The People With Superpowers To Stay Underwater Longer

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Anyone here who knows how to swim? If you do, I bet you’ve already tried holding your breath for as long as possible. Maybe even guess how deep you can go underwater. Generally, most people can hold their breath underwater for somewhere between 30 seconds and up to 2 minutes.  But did you know that […]

Meet The First Women Pilots Throughout History

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Every March of the year, we celebrate National Women’s Month, highlighting women’s achievements and contributions to society, history, and culture.  In honor and recognition of this event, we share a few stories of the first women in aviation—who risked everything to fly when opportunities for women were harshly limited.   Here are five groundbreaking female pilots […]

Sun Bear: The Smallest Bear in the World

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There are 8 bear species in the world. They are the Asiatic black bears (also called moon bears), brown bears (including grizzly bears), black bears, giant pandas, polar bears, sloth bears, spectacled bears (also called Andean bears), and sun bears. And just like any animal, bears come in diverse sizes and colors. The Kodiak bear, […]

How Did Birds Survive While Dinosaurs Went Extinct After The Asteroid Apocalypse?

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Today, about 10,000 bird species exist worldwide. But there are debates that the exact number could almost be twice that. These warm-blooded vertebrates are well-known for their colorful plumage, lightweight, smooth feathers for flight, harmonious songs, and amusing behaviors. But did you know that modern-day birds actually evolved from dinosaurs? Yes. You read that right.  […]

Top 10 STEM Toys For Biology (2022)

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A lot of people are driven by curiosity and always have that thirst for knowledge. Learning science is an incredible way to quench that desire to discover truths about the world around us.  Through science, we get to seek answers through experimentation and observation. It also helps us form the world we live in today […]

Should Pets Be Allowed In School?

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There are many exciting ways to help students engage and learn at school—from incorporating games, hands-on projects, student collaboration, or field trips—you name it! By doing these things, teachers can make learning fun and help students rediscover their love for learning.  A common debate that’s been gaining popularity is whether to allow pets in school. […]

What If People Lived in Floating Cities?

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Throughout history, humans have been confined to landmasses when establishing permanent settlements. But what if that’s all about to change? What if humans took to the sea, not only to explore it, but to- settle it? If the Seasteading Institute accomplishes its goal of creating the first permanent cities at sea, your future could involve living […]

Scientists Discover Wax Worm: The Plastic-Eating Larva

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There’s no denying that plastic has been useful and convenient to us, and we’re surrounded by it. It’s in the shopping bags we use for grocery items, the food packaging we discard, and plastic bottles or straws we drink from. However, this innovation came with a massive ecological cost. As a result, the rapid production […]

Do Fish Drink Seawater? Do They Ever Get Thirsty?

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Water is our planet’s most abundant natural resource. It plays an important role, as all living things rely on water to survive. And without water, life as we know it wouldn’t exist.  When humans and animals lack the water they need, they get thirsty. And like hunger, thirst is a need that must be satisfied.  […]