Rest In Peace Queen Elizabeth II !

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Queen Elizabeth II ended  her 7 decade reign on the 8th of September 2022.  That occasion broke many people’s hearts in just minutes. She was born on the 21st of April 1926. She was 96 years old when she passed away.  Queen Elizabeth II was Britain’s longest serving monarch. The Queen will ultimately be laid […]


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*Kicks Open Door* -FWOOOOOOOOSH- IT’S TIME FOR THE BEST USER AWARDS!!!!!! Through many delays, it’s finally here! Let’s meet the nominees!! These lucky few have made their way into the top standards of the KN community, and are known and loved by almost all the users! PLEASE WELCOME: @Pumpkin @kidzsearch @Dash201 @EloquentRacer92 @alex @caryl @basha […]

Hidden Self-portrait Of Van Gogh Discovered Behind Earlier Painting

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A previously unknown self-portrait of Vincent Van Gogh was discovered hidden behind one of his early paintings in The National Galleries of Scotland’s collection. Vincent Van Gogh is a Dutch painter considered one of the greatest and most influential Post-Impressionist artists of all time. The National Galleries of Scotland discovered the self-portrait of Van Gogh, […]

Scientists Discover The World’s Largest Waterlily That Was Hiding In Plain Sight For 177 years

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An unprecedented botanical discovery happened! Scientists discovered a new giant waterlily species in the Royal Botanic Gardens at the Kew’s Waterlily House in London. The new giant waterlily named Victoria boliviana was already in the Royal Botanic Gardens’ archives and was growing in Kew’s Herbarium for 177 years. However, it was previously mistaken for Victoria […]

Who Would KidzNet Users Be As A Family?

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Have you ever wondered who KN users would be as a family? @Kidzsearch will definitely be our dad, who’s always helpful and really cool with everything. Apparently, @dukesilver  our Percy-like Big brother who protests rule-breaking. @flowermagic1234 will be our cool next elder who’s really playful, fond of cats,  and who gets really crazy on pizza. @pumpkin […]

The Secret To Why Cats Go Crazy Over Catnip

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I bet you’ve already watched a bunch of funny videos on the internet about cats rubbing against every surface, flipping out, blissfully rolling around the floor, or darting around the house (generally acting weird) after eating or sniffing catnip. Have you ever wondered why cats go crazy for catnip? But before I tell you the […]


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Nominees: The nominees are as follows: @Pumpkin @emozookeeper281 @kidzsearch @Dash201 @EloquentRacer92 @alex @caryl @basha @esie (myself) @flowermagic1234 @marshmallowsmoosh @dukesilver and Fishyboi! Best Post Writing? Who is the best at writing posts? Funniest? Which user do you think loves jokes and is sarcastic all the time? Friendliest? What user has been really kind to you? Best […]

A Guide To Mindfulness

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We live in an extremely fast-paced world. So many people go through the motions of their daily lives, filled with distraction and stimulation. Whether exhausted by busy schedules⁠, preoccupied with information streams on the internet, or faced with new responsibilities at school, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by it all. And most of the time, […]

The Official KN Cup Starting Soon!

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Hey, y’all! Jus’ a reminder that the lineup is starting soon! Be sure to nominate your best friends before time runs out! If you want to nominate now, here is the link! Here are the nominees at the time of this post: @Pumpkin @emozookeeper @kidzsearch @Dash201 @EloquentRacer92 @alex @caryl @basha @flowermagic1234 @-MarshmallowSmoosh- @DukeSilver @esie Be sure […]

New Species Of Rainbow-Colored Fish Found Living In The “Twilight Zone” Of Maldives Ocean

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Scientists have recently discovered a new species of rainbow-colored fish living deep beneath the ocean’s surface in the waters of the Maldives ocean, home to hundreds of fish species. The rose-veiled fairy wrasse, with its scientific name Cirrhilabrus finifenmaa, was found in the ocean’s “twilight zone,” or the ocean layer barely reached by sunlight at […]

Five Popular Misconceptions: Part 1

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There are widespread ideas that many people still believe to be true but are surprisingly scientifically inaccurate. Today, I’m going to share with you some of these popular misconceptions. We are going to unpack them one by one, including the truth behind them. Banana Fruit Grows on Trees Have you ever eaten a banana? If […]

Wonders Of The True North: Butterflies.

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Butterflies are a sparkling insect. Let me tell you more. Certain ones, like the Monarch butterfly are now considered to be an endangered species, but there is hope… People are doing things to help these fluttering friends. They are master pollinators and help plants grow. Without pollinators and plants, much of our food we be […]

Struggling With Depression

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Life in the 21st century – anything but boring, and honestly pretty challenging and stressful all the time! We all have real life pressures, struggles, and difficulties to face every day! Everything from academic/achievement pressures to family friction/conflict, from social struggles to navigating complicated friendships, real world battles to personal/internal problems. Sometimes when life is […]