An Idea About Live Chat from Jace (with Rules ‘n Suggestions)

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I sent a message about the live chat idea previously. As it was too long, I thought of converting it to a post! If you read the message, this is basically the same one. Just tell your ideas about it here. 👍 I see KidzSearch as a very good app for kids – cuz this […]

20 Wicked Details from the Harry Potter Films You May Have Missed

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The Harry Potter movie franchise was comprised of eight movies in total over ten years, and each movie was made with great attention to detail and design. We, as Potterheads, pride ourselves on all the facts we know about the wizarding world. And I bet you’ve rewatched the movie series countless times already. But did […]

Does Dog Breed Affect Behavior?

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You might have heard about the popular myth that different dog breeds have specific traits or personalities – from the aggressiveness of Pitbulls or Chihuahuas, to the playfulness of Golden Retrievers or Labradors. But contrary to popular belief, a new study published in the journal Science revealed that the breed is not a good predictor […]

Minecraftnerd Now Has KidzNet

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Hi people, For the longest time (about 4 months), I only used KidzTalk. Now I also have a KidzNet account. I have the same name just to make it less confusing for everyone.  I will rarely use KidzNet though. So, don’t expect a weekly post or anything. I haven’t decided how often I’ll post here. […]

Animal Jam Play Wild and AJ Classic

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This group is for fans of the famous games Animal Jam Play Wild and AJ Classic! Talk about anything about these games! Before posting and commenting in this group, you need to follow two rules. Rule 1. Make sure the post or comment is Animal Jam-related. Rule 2. Make sure the post or comment doesn’t include any […]

New Feature Ideas for KidzSearch Update

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It’s been a while that KidzSearch hasn’t changed much. I totally agree that old is gold, but old ways don’t unlock new doors as well. We all know that for a successful program, it needs to be up-to-date and functional. I have many ideas how to make KidzSearch more fun, which I am going to […]

Steps To Face Your Exam Correctly – by Alex

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Hello guys. Today I’m making a post to tell you about a test helper method to help you with test taking. It was one of your requests. Let’s go through some steps which I follow to study for a test. This is a short guide to help you with term tests – as they are […]

Jupiter’s Moon Europa May Have Water Oceans With Life

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Wouldn’t it be amazing if there’s another place aside from Earth that could harbor life? Well, this idea might not be as far-fetched as we think. Scientists have recently discovered a promising place that may have water where life could exist: Jupiter’s moon Europa. A recent study published in Nature Communications proclaimed that Jupiter’s moon […]

A New Study Claims Mushrooms Can Communicate With Each Other

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Have you ever stopped and wondered if plants can talk to each other? That sounds amazing if it’s real, right? But what if I tell you there has been a study that suggests mushrooms can speak to each other? Yes. You heard me right. It’s possible that mushrooms can actually communicate with each other! Recent […]

The World’s Smallest Cat: Rusty-spotted Cat

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There are about 10 million animal species living on our planet, and they all come in diverse shapes, sizes, and colors. From the smallest to the largest living animal—there’s no denying that they come in incredible diversity. Did you know that there’s a cat species so small it can actually fit in the palm of […]

Most Distant Star Ever Found by Hubble Space Telescope

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Another astonishing breakthrough for astronomy has happened. NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has spotted the farthest and one of the most ancient stars known in the galaxy. Astronomers nicknamed the detected star, Earendel, which was derived from the Old English word that means “morning star” or “rising light.” It was also named after a character whose […]

The Unsinkable Lizard: Pygmy Gecko

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More than 1,200 animal species can walk on water, but have you ever heard of a minuscule lizard that can float in water? If not, then let me introduce to you the pygmy gecko. The Amazon Pygmy gecko, also known as Pseudogonatodes guianensis, is one of the smallest lizards known in the world. It belongs […]

Unprecedented Heatwaves Hitting the Earth’s Poles Alarm Climate Scientists

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The Earth’s poles, North and South, are simultaneously experiencing a rise in temperatures above normal levels in mid-March. Weather stations located in the parts of Antarctica have already recorded the place was 104° Fahrenheit (40° C) warmer than usual! Weather stations located near the Arctic regions have also recorded signs of heatwaves, hitting about 86° […]

Voyager Sends Signals Again. New Horizons.

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Hello, guys! Today we are taking about Voyager 2’s return and the New Horizons probe. Voyager 2 is a space probe used by NASA to explore Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. It was launched way back in 1977. Woo! Woo! Here is a pretend story of how I think a call between the Voyager space […]

Should Kids Be Allowed to Vote in the U.S?

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Today, American citizens who are 18 years old or above can vote, but did you know that there have been debates gaining momentum about expanding voting rights to younger people? Please vote and comment about your personal opinion on this important topic at the end of the article. Voting has always been an important choice […]

Nathan Hale

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Nathan Hale: Colonial Spy Nathan Hale should be an example to us all. He did what not many human beings would be willing to do: lay down his life for his country. His selflessness set an example for many who were to come and he was a forerunner for the American Revolution. Nathan Hale was […]

Should We Keep Animals In Zoos?

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Thousands of people visit local zoos every day because they provide a fantastic opportunity to see and watch the animals housed within enclosures and displayed to the public up close and personal. If you’ve ever been to one, you might have remembered that feeling of being in awe after seeing even the most endangered and […]

Should Schools Have Exams?

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Aside from the debate about whether or not students should have school homework, another persistent matter has been discussed in the last few years: School Examinations. Examinations, mainly traditional or standardized tests, are commonly used to assess a students’ capabilities, knowledge, and level of intelligence. It’s a conventional system widely practiced in almost all schools […]

How to Make Polymers (Slime)?

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This experiment is about polymers and we will make slime to create one. Polymers are formed from long chains of molecules that keep repeating themselves. Here is an example of a polymer with repeating molecules connected together. Slime is also a polymer. Materials: Deep bowl White glue  Shaving cream Food color Spoon Hand wash Experiment: […]

The Great Debate: Should Students Have Homework Or Not?

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Giving students school homework has been a controversial topic since the late 19th century. Even today, experts and parents often debate about its significance in education. Some people think of homework as a vital learning tool, while others consider it detrimental and something that can negatively affect the students’ academic performance and overall well-being.  So […]