Many people see Christmas as a time for celebration and spreading kindness. It’s also a wonderful opportunity to give gifts and share happiness with everyone, especially our family and friends, even strangers who need it the most. Now, here is a heartwarming story you might want to read. Did you know that three children just […]
I know we all have dreams in life, and some are even devoted to them! My dream is to be a YouTuber and a clothing designer!!!! Comment below with you dreams…
We are pleased to announce our first ever official KidzNet User Of The Year. The title goes to @esie! Esie has written 148 wonderful high-quality original articles covering a variety of interesting subjects. No other user comes close. She is also the top ranked user in terms of points too. When the new version of […]
This melted MY heart, and I know it will melt yours… This 5-year-old named Isabella had Leukemia and loves to hear music from Meghan Trainor. Her whole story is just amazing. She got to go to her concert, see her for the first time, and hug Meghan Trainor. This all happened 8 years ago, so […]
A Short Story After leaving the food court, Brittany and Allyson cut through a department store on their way out of the mall. They cruised past racks of fashion when a stylish dress caught Brittany’s eye. She grabbed Allyson by the arm and pulled her over to it. “This outfit would make you look amazing!” Brittany […]
We people are gifted to the maximum extent possible, but there are many who don’t have these natural opportunities. Some people are born without some of their body parts, and some lose them from accidents. We don’t even like to imagine a life without our hands or legs. But there are people who still survived […]
Inspiration could push our lives forward. We were given inspiration from our parents,teachers, leaders and many others. Also, did you know that we can be inspired by our younger siblings too? We can be inspired by almost all good people. I first started this project many months ago, but had to hold off a while […]
This is a short post from my project, but I hope it will inspire you a lot. It is a story about a very famous person who was a great innovator. He was a miserable young boy at school. One day when school was over, his teacher gave him a letter and told him to […]
Our generation is a golden one. Our parents have tried a lot to make it golden️, AND WE SHOULD MAKE IT GOLDEN TOO. The last generation was about rights and freedom. Our generation is about exploring our solar system and beyond. In the past, doing something related to outer space was a choice, but now […]
A Smile as Small as Mine by Emily Dickinson They may not need me- yet they might I’ll let my heart be just in sight- A smile so small as mine might be Precisely their necessity- Your unofficial homework today is to keep your eyes open for someone who just might need a smile! Maybe […]
You don’t have to change who you are to anyone! You can be yourself! Be nice! Don’t be mean. The Bible says, “thou love thy neighbors as thy love thy enemies”. If you do want to be treated a certain way don’t treat them like that. Smiling can always make someone’s day! Even when someone […]
For hikers and mountaineers, El Capitan, or El Cap as it’s better known, is widely considered one of the most brutal climbs in the world. It’s also the world’s largest granite monolith (a large single upright block of stone), rising 3,600 feet on the north side of Yosemite Valley in Yosemite National Park. According to […]
Dear KidzNetters, You may be a creative writer someday. Robert Frost the farmer was also Robert Frost, the great American poet. Herman Melville the sailor was also Herman Melville, the author of Moby Dick. Perhaps you are thinking, “I can never be a true creative writer, so what will come of trying?” It is probably true […]
Last summer, I went to my grandma’s house and she told me a story about a cat she met at the vet’s office named Twister. Living at the Vet’s office, Twister is a two-legged cat who can be seen scooting around on the lobby with his remaining paws. Sadly, Twister lost his hind paws after […]
Today I wanted to bring a motivational poem to you. It was written by Laura Probert. All credit should go to her for making this nice poem. What Matters Most by Laura Probert There’s no right answer,to what matters most.The heart of each of usholds a special choice. What matters is living fully,in every possible […]
An original song written by a KidzNet user I walked in and you asked my name And I knew things would never be the same You looked right through me And saw things no one else had seen You changed my life in the second you talked to me You saw things no one else […]
Hi everyone! I hope you are all staying well. As the 3rd part of my project I brought you some inspirational poems. I hope you’ll enjoy it and get something from it! Never Say Can’t A poem by Edgar Albert Guest Can’t is the worst word that’s written or spoken;Doing more harm here than slander […]
Have you ever been asked what you are passionate about and want to accomplish in the future and why? Or maybe you’re even told to find your passion at some point in your life? As for me, YES, and a lot of times at that. For some people, finding their passion or what they love […]
Today I brought you some quotes about dreams that will help inspire you … Dreams… “Nothing happens unless we first dream. ” – Carl Sandburg “There’s nothing like a dream to help plan your future.”– Jason Brown “If you can dream it, you can do it.”– Walt Disney “The place to improve the world is first […]
Ciao everyone! I am back again with a set of worthwhile articles which will motivate and lead you to success. This is just an introduction to my project about what you will gain and how it all works. I will be publishing inspirational posts, similar to my riddles and quotes project works. It can be […]