NASA’s First and Long-Awaited Asteroid Sample Has Landed

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Since the very beginning of space exploration, scientists have always been dedicated to expanding the boundaries of our understanding of space and the universe.  Through decades of unwavering research, they have made groundbreaking discoveries about the mysteries of our universe. Moreover, they have developed innovations that have improved daily life, advanced medical research, and supported […]

NASA’s Magellan Spacecraft Images Reveal Volcanic Activity On Venus

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Venus is the hottest and brightest planet on our planet, with a surface temperature of about 900 degrees Fahrenheit. Take note: this temperature is hot enough to melt lead. Imagine how hot that is! The planet is well-known for its crushing pressures, thick, toxic atmosphere filled with carbon dioxide, and yellowish sulfuric acid clouds. Not […]

NASA’s DART Mission Will Crash A Spacecraft Into A 525-Foot-Wide Asteroid

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Asteroids often get close to Earth every day but rarely does one touch the ground. But did you know that the last known catastrophic impact event on our planet was about 66 million years ago? It’s not entirely known—the exact number of asteroids or meteorites hitting the Earth daily. However, experts estimate that about 10 […]

What Do Black Holes Sound Like? Listen To NASA’s Haunting Black Hole Recording Here

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Ever wondered what a black hole sounds like? Want to hear it? Don’t worry. NASA has you covered. On Aug. 22, 2022, NASA released a 34-second audio clip of sound waves emanating from a supermassive black hole. And let me tell you, it sounds amazing yet ominous and creepy at the same time. So what […]

NASA Unveils James Webb Telescope’s First Images Of Unseen Universe

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On July 12, 2022, NASA released the long-waited first set of full-color images taken by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)—the largest and most powerful space telescope ever built and launched into space. It marks a momentous day for science, beginning a new era in astronomy. As a recap, James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) was […]

NASA’s InSight Lander Just Detected The Strongest Quake Yet On Mars

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Did you know that Mars, commonly referred to as the Red Planet, also experiences quakes? They are called Marsquakes. On May 4, The NASA InSight lander (Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations) detected the strongest marsquake ever recorded so far on the red planet. It was estimated to have hit a magnitude 5 on the 1,222nd […]

NASA’s Parker Solar Probe ‘Touches’ the Sun for the First Time

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For the first time in history, a NASA spacecraft called the Parker Solar Probe successfully entered the corona, or the outermost part of the Sun’s atmosphere, hence “touching” the Sun. It is one of the monumental developments in solar science because it has always been one of the key goals of the Parker Solar Probe […]

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope

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After 25 years of development, the James Webb Space Telescope aboard an Ariane 5 rocket was launched into space from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana on December 25th, 2021. What an unprecedented breakthrough for astronomy! The James Webb Space Telescope, also referred to as Webb or JWST, is the largest, most complex, and powerful telescope […]

Archaeologists Reveal The Face Of A 75,000-Year-Old Neanderthal Woman

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Around 200,000 years ago, a group of ancient humans called Neanderthals or Homo neanderthalensis lived in Eurasia (Europe and Asia). But they mysteriously became extinct around 40,000 years ago and were replaced by Homo sapiens or modern-day humans. Researchers have studied Neanderthals’ physical appearance and found that they are similar to humans. However, they have […]

Astronomers Find Universe’s Brightest Object With a Black Hole That Eats a Sun a Day

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Listen up, space enthusiasts! Here’s another record-breaking news I’m pretty sure you’d LOVE. Did you know that the brightest possible object ever in the universe was discovered by astronomers? Yes. You read that right! Scientists at the Australian National University discovered the brightest object in the universe, called a quasar, was found to be hiding […]

Why Do We Have A Leap Year, And Why Does It Have 366 Days?

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We’re almost at February 29, a special date that only comes around once every four years.  It’s a leap day—an extra day that gets added to the end of February of the calendar every four years.  It’s pretty cool, don’t you think? Normally, we have 365 days a year, but we get an extra day […]

Meet the Four Astronauts Who Will Fly Around the Moon

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To all space enthusiasts here, there’s another unprecedented moment in human history for you!  On April 3, 2023, NASA and the Canadian Space Agency announced the four astronauts who will venture around the moon for the Artemis 2 mission.  Artemis 2 is the second scheduled flight of NASA’s Artemis program, a series of ongoing complex […]

Saturn’s Rings Could Be From The Remains Of A Destroyed Moon Named Chrysalis

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Saturn is a gas giant or a colossal planet mainly composed of helium (He) and hydrogen (H2). It’s the sixth planet from our Sun and the second-largest planet in the solar system.  Among the planets in our solar system, Saturn is considered the most beautiful. This is because of its thousands of unique, glorious rings […]

Alien Plants: Are There Intelligent Plants In The Universe?

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Scientists have long been searching for any telltale signs of life on other planets or celestial bodies in space. And if you’ve already watched a bunch of movies about aliens, I’m pretty sure this question has crossed your mind multiple times.  Is there really extraterrestrial life beyond Earth? From sentient humanoid aliens in Star Wars […]

Artemis I Moon Mission: Everything You Need To Know

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To all space enthusiasts here, I have amazing news for you! The dawn of a new era of moon exploration begins again, 50 years after the last Apollo mission. NASA’s Artemis program plans to take humankind’s next giant leap and return to the Moon. They are launching the first stage, Artemis 1, which is among […]

Even More Constellations!

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When the sun sets at night, assorted constellations reveal themselves against the black soup of space. As the night progresses, some of these constellations set below the horizon, and others rise to take their places. The parade of constellations continues all night long until the sun rises again and obscures the stars from our sight. […]

Apollo 11- #7 Frozen Slug

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After eight challenging years and countless hours, man was finally on the moon. Flight Director Gene Kranz would soon “go around the horn” for the first Stay/No Stay decision. “You know, they landed, and everybody’s cheering and everything and then all of a sudden somebody notices something’s gone wrong. Temperature’s building up. Uh-oh! It shouldn’t […]

How Small Are We In The Scale Of The Universe?

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NASA once said, “Friendly reminder: We’re just a small speck in a massive universe!” Have you ever stopped for a moment and pondered about this?  In the grand scheme of things (of space and time), we’re only specks of dust in this vast universe. It’s such an astonishing yet humbling thought at the same time. […]