Here’s How Aromatherapy Can Help Improve A Kid’s Mood and Well-being

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Aromatherapy has been used for years in ancient cultures for medical purposes, but it’s now gaining more popularity as a wellness trend in improving one’s mood or well-being.  But first, what is aromatherapy? It’s the practice of using essential oils extracted from plant parts, including leaves, flowers, bark, peel, or fruit. These natural plant extracts […]

The Pros And Cons Of Artificial Intelligence: How It Will Change Society

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In today’s world, the advancement in technology has been evolving rapidly over the years. From electricity, automobiles, roadways, infrastructures, robotics, and the internet to smartphones (among others), technology has contributed so much to our convenience and has been a part of our daily lives.  Undoubtedly, technology plays an essential role in our society today, and […]

Help MS to Save the Earth – Grow Your Our E-Tree to Real Trees

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Do you know how Microsoft Start Weather supports a reforestation project in Kenya? Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges of our time, and it affects every aspect of our lives. From extreme weather events to food insecurity, biodiversity loss, and health risks, the impacts of climate change are felt by people and […]

Pangolin: Meet The World’s Most Trafficked Mammal

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Pangolin, also called the scaly anteater, is an insect-eating mammal easily recognized by its body covered with overlapping scales. Although it may look like a reptile because of its scales, it’s actually more closely related to cats and bears. Its name, “pangolin,” originated from the Malay word ‘penggulung,’ which means “rolling over or roller.” It […]

How Do Sugar And Fat Affect Your Brain?

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Candies, cakes, cookies, donuts, ice cream, and sodas—these foods can be pretty irresistible to us. So many of these make up a large portion of our daily intake. And let’s not forget other fast food or processed food, such as bacon, pizza, hotdogs, burgers, fries, and sandwiches. These foods are common comfort food cravings, which […]

Achievable Alternatives to New Year’s Resolutions You Can Do

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Since it’s already 2023, people often make their New Year’s resolutions to hit the refresh button and get things right. But this idea of making resolutions may also feel difficult and overwhelming, especially if you commonly struggle to follow through with a commitment. So, instead of making New Year’s resolutions, why not try these four […]

Inspiration For Success #7: You Can Do Anything With What You Have

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We people are gifted to the maximum extent possible, but there are many who don’t have these natural opportunities. Some people are born without some of their body parts, and some lose them from accidents. We don’t even like to imagine a life without our hands or legs. But there are people who still survived […]

Stubbs The Cat: Honorary Mayor For An Alaskan Town For 20 Years

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Having a mayor in a city or town is important because the person will be the chief executive officer responsible for the town’s general welfare, including the residents and the town’s goals. This includes enforcing all ordinances concerning the city’s governance and implementing its programs, projects, services, and activities. And without one, a place won’t […]

Should Pets Be Allowed In School?

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There are many exciting ways to help students engage and learn at school—from incorporating games, hands-on projects, student collaboration, or field trips—you name it! By doing these things, teachers can make learning fun and help students rediscover their love for learning.  A common debate that’s been gaining popularity is whether to allow pets in school. […]

Would You Eat Lab-Grown Meat?

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Consumption of meat, such as beef, pork, and poultry, has always been a big part of most people’s daily lives. And for the past decades, consumption of it has increased dramatically worldwide. As the demand for meat consumption continues to grow globally, so does the need to produce them. However, scientists believe consuming too much […]

NASA’s DART Mission Will Crash A Spacecraft Into A 525-Foot-Wide Asteroid

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Asteroids often get close to Earth every day but rarely does one touch the ground. But did you know that the last known catastrophic impact event on our planet was about 66 million years ago? It’s not entirely known—the exact number of asteroids or meteorites hitting the Earth daily. However, experts estimate that about 10 […]

Can Stress Become A Positive? Study Finds A 30-Minute Training Class Can Improve Teenagers’ Stress Response

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Stress has been one of the most prevalent experiences causing health issues not just to kids but also to teens and adults⁠. With everything going on right now⁠—from day-to-day responsibilities and school work, to the continuous global pandemic, everyone’s more stressed than ever. As a result, more people, especially teenagers, exhibit high stress-related signs, such […]

Meet Mr. Trash Wheel, The Trash Interceptor That Gobbles Trash

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Humans are generating and dumping too much trash daily, posing as one of the biggest known environmental threats. And to think that this has been a continuous battle for decades now. Waste or litter finds its way into the ocean and other waterways, affecting water quality, polluting our environment, and spreading diseases, viruses, and parasites. […]