Drone May Have Captured The First Image Of A Newborn Great White Shark

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Would you believe me if I told you that until recently, no one had ever seen a newborn baby shark alive in the wild? Believe it or not, no one had been able to identify where they were born before. Humans have only seen adult great whites; newborns were always a mystery. But on July […]

The Sweet History of Marshmallows

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Marshmallows are a favored treat that people of all ages enjoy. They’re sweet, delicious, and creamy, not to mention pillowy when you squish or bite down on them!  Whether it’s toasted over a campfire, melted into hot cocoa, dipped in chocolate fondue, used as a filling for baked goods, or topping for ice cream, marshmallows […]

A Hero Dog Saves the Life of a Teen Boy Having a Stroke

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Heroes come in all shapes and sizes; some even have four legs! That’s right, our furry friends, like dogs, can be heroes too! From locating and sniffing out bombs to rescuing people from burning buildings, dogs have proven time and time again that they are more than just our furry companions.  In fact, another act […]

Turtle: The World’s First War Submarine

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Submersibles are incredible innovations; they can be deployed from the ship to the sea, diving underwater and staying submerged for a long time. In today’s world, these remarkable underwater crafts help humans better understand the marine environment and its life. It’s commonly used for exploration and research purposes, including searching for shipwrecks and documenting ocean […]

Friday the 13th: Its Origins and Why It Scares People

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From crossing paths with a black cat to looking into a broken mirror, many pervasive superstitions regarding bad luck exist. But one thing that’s significantly considered the harbinger of bad luck is Friday the 13th. This is when the 13th day of the month falls on a Friday. And this past January 13, 2023, this […]

Inspiration For Success Part 6: Paid in Full with a Glass of Milk

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Inspiration could push our lives forward. We were given inspiration from our parents,teachers, leaders and many others. Also, did you know that we can be inspired by our younger siblings too? We can be inspired by almost all good people. I first started this project many months ago, but had to hold off a while […]

14-year-old Invents AI-Driven Technology That Can Detect Early Wildfire

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When you hear the word hero, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? A police officer, firefighter, or maybe a doctor? Or perhaps it’s what you usually see in movies or television? A person with superpowers, a cape, and a mask? But what if I tell you that anyone can be a hero, […]