Which is Better? Terraria or Minecraft?

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Terraria and Minecraft are more similar than you might think. Some of Minecraft is actually inspired by Terraria. One example of that is the wither. The wither has very similar spawning mechanics to Terraria’s bosses. I personally like Minecraft better because you can build in 3 dimensions. I also like Terraria because of its adventuring […]

The Drinking Bird Could Soon Be the Key to Clean Energy To Power Your Gadgets

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Have you ever seen a drinking bird toy? It’s made of two glass bulbs connected by a glass tube. The bottom bulb is filled with a highly volatile liquid, methylene chloride. On the other hand, the top bulb is shaped like a bird’s head with a beak and a decorative top hat covered with a […]

The Psychology of Bullying: Why Bullies Do It?

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Have you ever witnessed any of these things: A group of kids excluding one kid from playing with them or name-calling because of their appearance, interests, or background? The “popular boy” taunting, shoving, or hitting a smaller kid at the playground? The “mean girl” spreading rumors or gossiping about someone to make them look bad? […]

The Psychology of Comfort Foods: Why We Crave Certain Foods When Stressed or Sad

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Have you ever found yourself craving your favorite comfort food when you’re down or stressed?  If you have, don’t worry. You’re not alone. We’ve all been there. I do, too! Maybe it’s eating a slice of pizza or two, a big bowl of creamy pasta, a bag of chips, or hearty chicken noodle soup. Perhaps […]

The Nintendo-Playstation Console Wars FINALE (for now) PART 4

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Alright, I’m making this as long, informational, and well-written as possible. “Why?” You may ask—because this was the last gen. This gen hasn’t had enough action to be written on yet, other than people almost killing each other for a PS5, along with the fact that I need more points to increase my rank and […]

Most Popular Holiday Toys of 2022

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Christmas is just around the corner, and I’m quite sure you’re all looking forward to decorating the Christmas tree, spending time with your families, and indulging in a mouthwatering Christmas feast. And let’s not forget one of the things we’re most excited about—exchanging gifts and unwrapping presents! If you’re looking for the perfect gift you […]

Barreleye Fish: Fish With A Transparent Head

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The oceans on our planet hold such great mysteries within their depths. There’s a whole different world down below, and so many strange yet remarkable sea creatures lurk in the deep. And one of the most otherwordly sea creatures considered by biologists is a fish with a transparent head. Yes, you read it right. A […]

Artemis I Moon Mission: Everything You Need To Know

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To all space enthusiasts here, I have amazing news for you! The dawn of a new era of moon exploration begins again, 50 years after the last Apollo mission. NASA’s Artemis program plans to take humankind’s next giant leap and return to the Moon. They are launching the first stage, Artemis 1, which is among […]

The Truth: Does Hot Water Freezes Faster Than Cold Water?

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Have you ever experienced opening up your fridge to get some ice cubes for your drink but were welcomed with empty trays instead? It’s kind of frustrating, right? But did you know there’s a simple and quite effective way to make ice cubes quickly? And that is to use hot water instead of cold! Yes, […]

Apollo 11- #3 And Upward..

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Space… it’s dangerous out there: micrometeoroids, radiation, airlessness. And coming home would be no picnic, either. The compact-car-sized space capsule would be greeted by searing white-hot flames as it slammed madly back down to earth. “In designing the command module, the one thing we had to be sure of was that we could keep the […]

How To Be a Whiz at Math and Science

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Being good, or even great at math and science is not difficult. Follow along as I explain the secrets to mastering what many believe are some of the most difficult school subjects. Does even hearing the word “Algebra” make you feel nervous? When someone mentions chemistry or physics, do you start feeling faint? Do you […]