Tips and Tricks for Minecraft Part 6

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In this post, I am going to talk about some more tricks… 1# With the mace, you can kill a warden in one hit (with a LOT of blocks). 2# You can find the trial chambers by getting a map from a villager (cartographer). 3# To set your game mode to creative in a cheats-on […]

Which is Better? Terraria or Minecraft?

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Terraria and Minecraft are more similar than you might think. Some of Minecraft is actually inspired by Terraria. One example of that is the wither. The wither has very similar spawning mechanics to Terraria’s bosses. I personally like Minecraft better because you can build in 3 dimensions. I also like Terraria because of its adventuring […]

Minecraft Tips and Tricks Part 5

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Hey, guys, sorry I haven’t posted one of these in a LONG time; I hope you find this interesting. Now let’s dive in! #1 When searching for ancient debris, turn on chunk borders. #2 Did you know that you can turn on hitboxes? That way, you’ll never miss when you attack something *or somebody*. #3 […]

Minecraft: For Beginners

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Minecraft is my FAVORITE game, and for you guys who are just starting to play, it is a great game choice!!! So in this post I will teach you some things about Minecraft in the comments below, did you know that when a mooshroom gets struck by lightning it turns brown!?! Do you know any […]

A Couple of Things Mojang Should Add to Minecraft

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Minecraft has a couple of mobs you can get using cheats, but this cheating doesn’t really count as seeing the real mob in the game. #1 (I would love Mojang to add this to Minecraft): The illusioner. This illusion doesn’t make sense, and even the pros don’t know how to fight it. #2 The giant […]

Minecraft Tips And Tricks Part Four

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As you may know on Minecraft tips and tricks part three, we learned some tricks you can use, and on this one we will do some more tricks. #1 You can see your coordinates on java edition by pressing F3 (on Mac its F3+FN). #2 YOU DON’T HAVE TO DEFEAT THE ENDER DRAGON TO GET […]

Harry Potter Minecraft Project Update!!!!!!

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Good morning my beautiful people!!!!!! Today I am gonna update y’all on my Harry Potter project!!!!!! Lets begin!👩‍🏫👻 I am still working on the gringots area but I will try to finish tomorrow!!!!!! For the muggle area I have got some build hacks that make actual functioning road lights!!!! 🙃. I’ve already got the Dursleys […]

Tips and Tricks for Minecraft (Part One)

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So, if you guys are into Minecraft, then these are some tricks for it. 😀 1# (I think almost all of you guys do this) Once you make your crafting table and wood pick, then dig down, grab 17 pieces of stone, and come back up and make your axe pick shovel, and furnace. 2# […]

Minecraft Servers!

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Yo… Wassup G A M E R S Today we are going to be taking a look at Minecraft servers Now if you don’t play Minecraft, well…..why are you here? I’m jk! Anyway! Starting off with the 1# Minecraft server YUP! HYPIXEL 😀 It’s one of the largest Minecraft Server Networks in the world where […]

YO- My Minecraft Skins (Esie’s Edition bc WHY NOT)

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Ehe yes. Haven’t posted in half a decade XD Anywhozers, hidyho, and here they are sorry. I only have three Minecraft skins I can successfully draw :)) Also, I have some dragons that have nothing at all to do with Minecraft, but WHO CARES? NOT ME! (The little “I” symbol is like a signature that […]

YO – My Minecraft Skins

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Heyo, homies. I drew my Minecraft skins the other day, and I thought, why not post them??? Here it is: I really hope you like them!!! But I also thought I would send my other drawings sometime… SOO, if this is liked enough…you might get to see my FAVORITE drawings of all time, and I […]

My Minecraft Story book 2 part 5

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When they started pumpkin pastures, Steve went straight to the village. He was petrified when he saw what had happened to the village. He was with Hal. Hal exclaimed “Steve! I just remembered there is a way to stop the orb from completely taking over you! You just need to find the remnant of redemption.” […]

My Minecraft Story book 2 part 4

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In Soggy Swamp everyone wanted different partners. Except Alex. Alex got put with Adrien, Hal with Anna and Steve with Valorie. They all split up  Before Steve and Valorie set off, Valorie said “Now Steve! I do NOT just want you to be dead weight. I can detect if someone is evil and why they […]