FunHeart Here

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Sup… It’s FunHeart. Most of y’all don’t remember me, and I don’t think my account is here anymore. But I joined around 6 years ago and became inactive in 2020. Kind of sad to see a lot of KidzNet change, but hey, looks nice. I hope everyone’s doing well! I’ll talk to y’all later. Comment […]


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*Kicks Open Door* -FWOOOOOOOOSH- IT’S TIME FOR THE BEST USER AWARDS!!!!!! Through many delays, it’s finally here! Let’s meet the nominees!! These lucky few have made their way into the top standards of the KN community, and are known and loved by almost all the users! PLEASE WELCOME: @Pumpkin @kidzsearch @Dash201 @EloquentRacer92 @alex @caryl @basha […]

Beating Copyright: How To Find Free Images For Your Posts!

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Let’s face it: Finding non-copyrighted images on the internet can be hard! But before we get into it, let’s explain what copyright is. Copyright is a legal term used to describe the rights that someone has over their work. For example, when you search for cat pictures on Google, most of the results that come […]

What Happened To Me?

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You probably thought I’d never come crawling back, but here I am. I suppose I’ll give you all a little update about the future of my account and some other things. So a few weeks ago, I reached 1,000,000 points on KidzTalk, which was really cool and exciting. Looking at my account here on KidzNet, […]

Best User Awards RETURNING SOON!

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I am officially continuing the Best User Awards! Since I left, many people have joined and therefore have become prominent in the KidzNet community.  If you do not know how the process works, here is a link to my old award ceremony: THE OFFICIAL KN Cup- KidzNet Awards! User Nominees: Default Nominees By Points, Friends, Etc. (Do […]

Plagiarism and How To Stop It

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What is Plagiarism? When taking notes from a website, a book, or any work of art, you must be very careful not to copy. To copy what someone else has written and passing it off as your own work is a form of stealing called plagiarism. Plagiarism is one of the main reasons posts on […]

Should I Make An Account?

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Hello, some of you may know me as BlueZswagger. I have an account on KidzTalk. I was wondering if I should make an account as the title says. I have been around since Dec. KidzNet was actually the first thing I found, but I have always found KidzTalk funnier and easier to use. So what […]

What are Ranks? Explaining the KidzNet Point System

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Points and Ranks. Points are a system used by both KidzTalk and KidzNet. You may get points by doing such actions as: Accepted Published Posts (50) Publishing a Well-Written accepted Post (up to 200) Posting Comments (2) Liking Comments (1) Logging In (1) And More! The users with the most points are displayed on the […]

KidzNet Ranks – A Brief Explanation Please!

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Hello again. I’d like to ask a question from all those who stayed with KidzNet for a long time. Though I am not new to here, I just wanted to know about ranks of users. When I hang around here, I have seen users have different types of ranks as: Novice Apprentice Adventurer Gladiator etc.. […]

Hold Up – Wait A Minute

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So I had got an email from KidzNet, so I opened it and well here’s what it said: Dear KidzNet User, Our records show that you were a member of KidzNet. KidzNet is a safe fully moderated social network for kids. We recently upgraded to a completely new version with much better performance that is […]

Where Have I Been?

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Good morning! Most of you know me, some do not. For those of you that don’t, this might not apply to you. Anyway, let’s get real. I haven’t been active at all. In fact, I’ve only logged on about 5 times in the last two months. I will be leaving the KidzNet community for a […]

Evolution debate, FishyBoi IMPOSTER, drama (KidzWeek)

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What’s up KidzSearchers, It seems drama has FINALLY happened, and I have more content to write about. This week, drama between Basha and TurtleUnicorns unfolded and resulted in multiple posts about the situation from both parties. Also in the news, someone has been taking advantage of Fishyboi and has created accounts impersonating them. We’ll cover […]

Best KidzNetters on the planet.

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Hello kidznetters, Whats up, I want to give you an award on my perspctive since everyone is giving awards. Uhh by the way how do you tag, nvm Winners are @Esie @Pumpkin @Fishyboi (even though he is not a user yet) @Dash201 @caryl @jordanlol @Guest @Ammyk @Reader @Dash201 (jordanlol and a lot of users upvote) […]

Pumpkin and the Cookie Scandal of ’21

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Pumpkin and the Cookie Scandal of ‘21 How does a moderately popular user trick dozens of other children and teenagers into making his comment the most liked in (recent) KidzNet history? The answer: Cookies. Who doesn’t love cookies? America alone consumes about 2 billion cookies each year, according to the South Florida Reporter. Top cookie […]