The Flippy Floppy Man

This is a poem that one of my schoolmates wrote and I just was bored so I decided I would post it. It is SUPER easy to memorize if you want to tell it to your friends without using the screen. THE FLIPPY FLOPPY MAN By: ********* There once was a man who was very […]

Aisla’s Adventure Chapter – 3

Aisla is getting ready for school. She’s still thinking of the magical butterfly. She thought that she would tell her teacher. When she reached school, she saw the teacher’s busy doing her work. So, she sat in her classroom thinking about the butterfly.  First period starts….​​ Alright students you can share some news.​“Teacher, may I […]

The Life Of A Cookie- Part 2- Melted Chocolate

Important: Please see Chapter 1 before reading this! “Erm… That’s horrible….” I said cautiously. Checkers put on his exasperated face, “OF COURSE IT SOUNDS HORRIBLE!!!!!!!” “Y’all calm down! We can git out of this situation, ‘ya know?” Crumbles said. “WE LITERALLY JUST AGREED THERE IS NO WAY TO GET OUT OF THE OVEN!!!!!!!” He shrieked, “AND […]

Personality Quiz

Based on the research of psychology Professor David Keirsey, we can all be categorized according to four different personality groups: Artisan – flexible and fun-loving. Rational – abstract and objective thinker. Einstein had a rational personality. Idealist – a dreamer who thinks anything is possible. Guardian – always focused on your responsibilities, Take this short […]

Hello, I’m new to KidzNet

Hi, I’m MagicWing! I’m Digital Star in KidzTalk. I am 7 years old. I’m a girl. I like pink. I like Harry Potter, Disney, Barbie dolls, and PK XD (my fave game). I have a baby brother. I have an elder sister. She is Digital Girl. I like drawing. I hate painting, though. I LOVE […]

American Football Chaos- The Ice Bowl

On New Year’s Eve- December 31, 1967, the Green Bay Packers were on the field against the Dallas Cowboys at Lambeau Field, Green Bay, Wisconsin. At the stadium, the temperature was -15F degrees but it felt like -48F. The game was due to preform a marching band before the game, but the instruments froze before […]

Aisla’s Adventure Chapter – 1

This was written by my friend 🙂 Chapter one – Aisla and the Dreamland Butterfly There was a girl called Aisla she was a young, smart and pretty girl. She and her friends were playing at the park.​ ​ At Evening…​ It was time for Aisla to go home. She said bye to all of her friends and she left. When […]

What Is An Anagram?

An anagram is a word or phrase in which the letters are rearranged to make a different word or phrase. For example: You could make a code or another form of crypt with your friend so other people wouldn’t know what you are doing. You could also send codes encrypted inside regular sentences that use […]