Things you can pick up from the dollar store

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Hello. Today we are going to discuss Dollar Stores Everything is below 4$ Cause in this one, we are going to tell you the things we can buy from it. For example, a gaming mouse comes in once a month. And Legos too, cause in Dollarama, Montoy makes blocks that are compatible with Legos. Or […]

Greek Gods and Goddesses

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Zeus: Roman name: Jupiter Zeus is the god of the sky, and thunder, and he is one of the twelve Olympian gods that lived on Mount Olympus. He once ruled the world. His wife’s name is Hera, and they were Titans. Hera: Roman name: Juno Hera is the goddess of women, marriage, and childbirth, and […]

Which Is The Weirdest Pokemon?

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Out of these 5 weird Pokemon lineups, which do you think will win the title of WEIRDEST? 1: Calyrex Calyrex, is, just where the Pokemon company failed a little. It is just a deer with a green ball for antlers. 2: Oranguru Now, they could have just made this one look at least a little […]

Struggling With Depression

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Life in the 21st century – anything but boring, and honestly pretty challenging and stressful all the time! We all have real life pressures, struggles, and difficulties to face every day! Everything from academic/achievement pressures to family friction/conflict, from social struggles to navigating complicated friendships, real world battles to personal/internal problems. Sometimes when life is […]

Space Exploration

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NASA, which stands for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration was created under President Dwight D. Eisenhower in the United States on October 1st, 1958. It is a government funded program that supports both civilian and aeronautical space research. One of the reasons it was created was to keep up with the Soviet Union after […]

Tips To Manage Your Anxiety (Part 2)

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Today I’m going to continue with part 2 of my Tips To Manage Your Anxiety series. Last time I brought up tips to help with your breathing and meditation, and today I’m going to focus on how achieving a healthy lifestyle and workout routine could be beneficial to your anxiety and overall well-being. Get exercise […]

The Fruit Story

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By Dash201  Nameeraplayz (former user)  Once upon a time, there were 3 fruits: Kiwi, Apple and Orange. They were smart and clever. One day, they arrived at the beach, The saw a big, empty new house. They thought that it was a free house, but they didn’t check the poster on the house. It said […]

Things You May Not Have Noticed in the Harry Potter Movies!!!

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In the scene where Hermione and Harry use the Time Turner to go back in time and save Buckbeak from his unfortunate fate, both actors’ microphone packs can be seen under their shirts on their back as they creep around Hagrid’s pumpkin garden and attempt to get Buckbeak untied. Did you guys notice this thing? […]

Hunting Controversy

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Salve, everyone I noticed that there is a lot of controversy about hunting. I will make something clear. There will be NO insulting others, NO purposefully putting someone down, and NO cursing. Your opinions are valid. You cannot make others stop hunting or make others start hunting. Please don’t bring hate to your fellow “Netters.” I […]