Avatar 2 Is Finally Getting Released!

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The original Avatar 1 movie was released back in 2009 and they’re finally going to release the second one on Dec 16th, 2022. The release dates were originally 2014 and 2015, but Avatar 2  and  3 were changed to December of 2020 and 2021. However, once again, it was delayed to Dec of this year […]

The Eternal Jellyfish

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The “Medusa stage,” the second stage of jellyfish’s life, is what most of us picture when we think of a jellyfish. They spend this phase of their existence as opacity-filled floating balloons with trailing tentacles. If the beginning of a jellyfish’s existence wasn’t thrilling enough, the end is much more thrilling. When the everlasting jellyfish […]

NASA’s InSight Lander Just Detected The Strongest Quake Yet On Mars

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Did you know that Mars, commonly referred to as the Red Planet, also experiences quakes? They are called Marsquakes. On May 4, The NASA InSight lander (Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations) detected the strongest marsquake ever recorded so far on the red planet. It was estimated to have hit a magnitude 5 on the 1,222nd […]

10 Facts About Harry Potter You May Not Know

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Twenty-one years later, after Harry Potter first hit the big screens, it is still the best-selling book series in history and one of the most well-known series of all time. If you’re a Potterhead like me, you might’ve already known a lot of the facts from the wizarding world. Although there are still many fun […]

Barbie Travelled To Outer Space For The First Time

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Have you ever dreamed of becoming an astronaut and wondered what it’s like to visit outer space? Well, you’re not alone. Before, Barbie only dreamt of traveling to space, but it’s become a reality now. For the first time in history, Barbie went to space aboard the International Space Station (ISS) as part of the […]

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope

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After 25 years of development, the James Webb Space Telescope aboard an Ariane 5 rocket was launched into space from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana on December 25th, 2021. What an unprecedented breakthrough for astronomy! The James Webb Space Telescope, also referred to as Webb or JWST, is the largest, most complex, and powerful telescope […]

Greek Gods and Goddesses

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Zeus: Roman name: Jupiter Zeus is the god of the sky, and thunder, and he is one of the twelve Olympian gods that lived on Mount Olympus. He once ruled the world. His wife’s name is Hera, and they were Titans. Hera: Roman name: Juno Hera is the goddess of women, marriage, and childbirth, and […]

Science Definitions

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Distance: Distance is how far one thing is from another thing. It can be measured as lines or circles, or up or down. Someone who goes around in a circle has traveled a distance, even though his position has not changed Force Whenever there is an interaction between two objects, there is a force upon […]

ISS (International Space Station)

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  Cool facts about the ISS: Total length: 108 meters. Total width: 73 meters. Time to orbit the earth: 91 minutes. Astronauts see 16 sunrises and sunsets a day as the ISS orbits Earth once every 90 minutes. The first piece of the ISS went up in 1998. A crew has continuously lived on board […]

Space Exploration

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NASA, which stands for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration was created under President Dwight D. Eisenhower in the United States on October 1st, 1958. It is a government funded program that supports both civilian and aeronautical space research. One of the reasons it was created was to keep up with the Soviet Union after […]

How To Work KidzNet

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Home Page The home page is for you to see other’s posts. You may click on them if you like to see what others have on their mind. Other’s Posts Once in another’s post, you may read it and comment on it if you so desire. KidzSearch will filter your comment to make sure it […]


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Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system and has an average surface temperature of around 450° C. Of all the planets in our solar system (apart from Earth), Mars is the one most likely to be hospitable to life. There are between 200-400 billion stars and estimated to be billions of galaxies, so […]

Top 5 people you should not debate with (just bored don’t cancel me)

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Pumpkin. Alright, this is self explanatory. THEY WILL MAKE A WHOLE POST ABOUT IT, ABOUT THEIR FAV FOOD, ANYTHING… HECK THEY WILL EVEN  CANCEL U FOR IT LunaMoonLight – Alright, lets just skip this one. I don’t wanna get canceled again ;-; KS. Well, you will be pretty outsmarted, plus out numbered. Only pumpkin can […]

Top 10 Kidzsearch Users You Should Never Start A Fight With

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I guess you already know that I’m out of ideas since you read the title. But at least I don’t clickbait. Today we’re actually gonna go over the top 10 kidzsearch users who you shouldn’t pick a fight with. This is a kidzweek special edition. — #1) KidzSearch Okay guys, #1 is kidzsearch. I think […]

Things You May Not Have Noticed in the Harry Potter Movies!!!

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In the scene where Hermione and Harry use the Time Turner to go back in time and save Buckbeak from his unfortunate fate, both actors’ microphone packs can be seen under their shirts on their back as they creep around Hagrid’s pumpkin garden and attempt to get Buckbeak untied. Did you guys notice this thing? […]