The Top 10 Best STEM Toys For 2023

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The holiday season is just around the corner AGAIN. Time sure flies fast, huh? It’s that wonderful time of the year again when kids are excited about the gifts they’ll receive.  I’m pretty sure you already have a list of what to ask from your parents. Or maybe you’re still thinking of what you want […]

Study Finds: Plants Scream When Stressed, We Just Couldn’t Hear It

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Stress is a universal experience that affects both humans and animals alike. When we’re feeling overwhelmed or hurt, we all have different ways of expressing our emotions. Some may cry or shout, while others turn to meditate and exercise. Others may prefer to write about it or talk to loved ones and friends. Similarly, animals […]

Family is Forever Finale Teaser

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Geez, it’s the end. “Will you come back next summer?” Hailey said. “Maybe. Promise we’ll stay in touch?” Jack replied. “Yeah,” Hailey responded. “Are you sure this relationship will work? I mean, we’ll be apart for 10 months and together for only two.” Hailey added. “My dad can work something out probably. What’s your school […]

What Causes Wildfires and How to Prevent it?

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As the temperature rises and intense heat waves are more frequent on hot summer days, the risk of wildfires increases.  These conditions, a combination of hot temperatures, dry vegetation, and strong winds, is a perfect recipe for wildfires to spread rapidly and uncontrollably.  Wildfires are destructive phenomena that can devastate entire communities, causing damage to […]

Family is Forever – Episode 8

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This is my second time writing this because I accidentally pressed on the Kidzsearch logo and it reset all of my progress. I am extremely angry right now, but I will still make this good. As Phil Weston said in kicking and screaming, “I am angry. I’m- I’m spitting angry! I’m like a tornado of […]

History of Samsung

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Hello 🙂 In this article, we will talk about the History of Samsung. Dive into Samsung’s evolution from a humble grocery store inception in 1938 to a trailblazing global conglomerate. Explore their iconic Galaxy series, pioneering semiconductor dominance, and commitment to sustainability. Facts When was Samsung founded? It was founded on March 1, 1938 When […]

The Sounds of Silence! Tuesday Morning Story #2

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Lord, every morning you hear my voice. Every morning, I tell you what I need. And I wait for your answer. — PSALM 5:3 Did you know that you could be right next to someone in space, shouting at the top of your lungs, and that person wouldn’t hear a thing? That’s not because those […]

Family is Forever – Episode 5

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Longest running GravityCentered series. Wow! Okay, let’s get to the action. *RING RING RING!* Kevin picked up the phone. “Who is it?” Kevin said first. “It’s the *inaudible speaking ensues* of Terrance Phillips. He- *more inaudible speaking*” the man said. “Alright, I’ll sleep on it. Next time, don’t call me at 5:47 in the morning. […]

Family is Forever – Episode 5 TEASER

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“Hey, Kidznet users and NobodyImportant!” said Kevin. “Yeah. That’s right. I’m breaking the fourth wall-“ Kevin continued before being interrupted. “Okay, okay. This is episode 5. Super cool, right? It was pretty easy to talk to you. All we did was-“ Jack butted in. “HEY, HEY, HEY! Don’t tell them!” Hailey said. “We just got […]

Trouble Sleeping? Here’s How to Fall Asleep Fast

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Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for our overall health and well-being. It helps our bodies repair and rejuvenate, allowing us to wake up feeling refreshed and energized for the day ahead.  Sleep is also known to improve a person’s brain function, memory, and concentration. It also helps reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, lowers […]

Family is Forever – Episode 4

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It’s finally Episode 4. Yay! Anyways, it’s been a while since my last episode. Is it a new series? Hmmmmm? No. Not now. So let’s get to the story. *BANG BANG BANG!* “Geez, man, I’m coming!” said Kevin. “You and Jack wanna miss my first match?” Norton replied. “We get it, drama queen!” Kevin said […]

Here’s How Parrots Can Talk Like Humans

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For humans, communication is an essential aspect of all relationships. We talk to convey our feelings and thoughts, understand others, create and strengthen bonds, resolve conflicts, and collaborate and share ideas with the people around us.  But did you know that aside from humans, some animals can mimic human speech? You may have already heard […]

50 Man Crew Episode 2

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TWO WEEKS AFTER THE EVENTS OF EPISODE ONE: “So my case, your honor, is that these children have been abused, mistreated, and have been living in bad conditions. We should change that. My point is: These children will not learn how to reenter society as competent and model citizens if these guards and prisons are […]

50 Man Crew- Episode 1

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You can read the intro here if you haven’t read it yet. “Lights out, you rats.” said the guard. Devin and his bunkmate, Cruz, were snickering as they dialed a number on their stolen phone. They quietly called the lawyer and made their plan. Their prison, Redwood Prison, had horrible conditions and was filled with […]

Here’s How You Can Make Studying A Daily Habit

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Studying can be challenging, especially if you’re already juggling many responsibilities, whether in academics or personal life. When faced with time-consuming activities, such as schoolwork, assignments, and exams, adjusting to these workloads can be stressful and require much preparation. This is why it’s important to make studying a daily habit to help you mentally and […]

The Pros And Cons Of Artificial Intelligence: How It Will Change Society

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In today’s world, the advancement in technology has been evolving rapidly over the years. From electricity, automobiles, roadways, infrastructures, robotics, and the internet to smartphones (among others), technology has contributed so much to our convenience and has been a part of our daily lives.  Undoubtedly, technology plays an essential role in our society today, and […]

Maps and Making Maps

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The earliest maps did not portray the world as it was but instead reflected the beliefs of those who made them. As people learned more about the world around them, maps became more realistic. By the Age of Exploration in Europe, ocean explorers used map making, or cartography, extensively to chart unfamiliar shores. Today, advances […]