Ringling Brothers Circus: The ‘Greatest Show on Earth’ Comeback Without Circus Animals

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The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey, also billed as the “The Greatest Show on Earth,” had been closed down since 2017. The circus started when the Ringling Bros. opened their first circus in 1884 and was later merged with Barnum & Bailey’s Greatest Show on Earth in 1919. Wild live animals were always part […]

Records BROKEN, Art Drama, Coffee Discussion Gets POLITICAL… KIDZWEEK #2

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KidzWeek is a satirical weekly “news” source which aims to cover the drama and gossip surrounding the kidznet community.  This week has been quite controversial for KidzSearch, but not any more than usual. However, recent Allegations of art theft, spam posting, and a discussion about coffee that went political have rocked the foundation of the […]

Launch of Girls Who Code – Fusion CoG Club (Introduction 1)

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Hello everyone! I’m excited to announce the launch of our girl’s coding club on Kidznet. Our goal is to create a community of young coders and teach them the skills they need to succeed in the digital age. In this club, we’ll learn about coding concepts, build coding projects, and explore different career paths in […]

The Most Popular Holiday Toys for 2023

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As the holiday season approaches, I’m pretty sure many of us are getting into the Christmas spirit now. Some may even already be adorning their houses with decorations, eagerly preparing for the most wonderful time of the year. Among the many things that make the holidays exciting, unwrapping presents is definitely one that many people […]

14-year-old Virginia Teen Honored for Inventing Potential Skin Cancer-Treating Soap

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Did you know that one of the most common types of cancer happens on our skin? Melanoma is the most serious form of skin cancer. It occurs on our pigment producing skin cells. Getting too much unprotected sun exposure is a major cause of it. Scientists have spent decades in search of a cure for […]

History of Samsung

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Hello 🙂 In this article, we will talk about the History of Samsung. Dive into Samsung’s evolution from a humble grocery store inception in 1938 to a trailblazing global conglomerate. Explore their iconic Galaxy series, pioneering semiconductor dominance, and commitment to sustainability. Facts When was Samsung founded? It was founded on March 1, 1938 When […]

Achievable Alternatives to New Year’s Resolutions You Can Do

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Since it’s already 2023, people often make their New Year’s resolutions to hit the refresh button and get things right. But this idea of making resolutions may also feel difficult and overwhelming, especially if you commonly struggle to follow through with a commitment. So, instead of making New Year’s resolutions, why not try these four […]

New Airport Screen “Parallel Reality” Shows Personal Flight Information To Multiple People At Once

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If you’ve ever experienced boarding a plane, you might’ve already known how it’s a struggle to figure out your gate number, boarding time, and other travel details by scanning all the different flights shown on the monitors at the airport. Fortunately, on June 30, 2022, Delta Air Lines, Inc. launched an amazing technology that has […]

14-year-old Invents AI-Driven Technology That Can Detect Early Wildfire

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When you hear the word hero, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind? A police officer, firefighter, or maybe a doctor? Or perhaps it’s what you usually see in movies or television? A person with superpowers, a cape, and a mask? But what if I tell you that anyone can be a hero, […]

Let’s Celebrate International Minecraft Day!! (17th of May) with Fun Facts

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Hello everyone. As today is international Minecraft day, I hope to share some fun facts about Minecraft with you all. Minecraft captured many hearts of children and even teens all over the world. I used to play it from my pre- school times and I still play it. I hope most of you all are the […]

Struggling With Depression

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Life in the 21st century – anything but boring, and honestly pretty challenging and stressful all the time! We all have real life pressures, struggles, and difficulties to face every day! Everything from academic/achievement pressures to family friction/conflict, from social struggles to navigating complicated friendships, real world battles to personal/internal problems. Sometimes when life is […]