World’s First Genetically-Edited Pig Kidney Transplanted Into A Living Person

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For decades, scientists have been studying the possibility of transplanting animal organs into humans to improve and save people’s lives, especially those in need of organ transplants. This procedure, known as xenotransplantation, involves transferring living cells, tissues, or organs from animals to humans. Although it has been a topic of debate, many people also want […]

Meet The World’s Oldest Living Dog Ever

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How long a dog can live may vary significantly with several factors, including breed, size, and general health. I bet you’re also curious about your pet dog’s lifespan (if you have one). Generally, the average lifespan for dogs is between 10 to 13 years. However, some are known even to live longer than this. Now, […]

Carbon-14: An amazing tool to estimate the age of all living things

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Carbon-14 is used for radio carbon dating. Carbon 14 is a radioactive isotope of carbon with an atomic nucleus containing 6 protons and 8 neutrons. It’s presence in organic materials is the basis of the radio carbon dating method pioneered by Will Libbey and his colleagues to estimate the age of something after it died. […]

New Species Of Rainbow-Colored Fish Found Living In The “Twilight Zone” Of Maldives Ocean

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Scientists have recently discovered a new species of rainbow-colored fish living deep beneath the ocean’s surface in the waters of the Maldives ocean, home to hundreds of fish species. The rose-veiled fairy wrasse, with its scientific name Cirrhilabrus finifenmaa, was found in the ocean’s “twilight zone,” or the ocean layer barely reached by sunlight at […]


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Justin The humans were originally going to build a rocket to the moon, but because of this event, they changed their plans to a trip to California. I’m Justin—Justin Case. (Ha, ha, pause for comedic laughter.) I live in Texas and am about to move to California. You got that right. I’m their lab rat, […]

How Does Bungo Stray Dogs Impact Its Fans?

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Wow! Well, hello there! Are you wondering, “Why? Why watch/read Bungo Stray Dogs”? “How does the series impact its fans”? Well! then, here’s my reasoning! Bungou Sutorei Doggusu (文豪ストレイドッグス), or Bungo Stray Dogs, is originally a manga series written by Japanese author Kafka Asagiri and illustrated by Sango Harukawa. The name itself translates to: “literary […]

Common Nordic Misconceptions Explained

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Hey Everyone, It’s Carly.I’ve noticed that my articles aren’t that popular anymore, I mean Kidznetters just care about the Animal stories, but I decided to do something by answering common misconceptions about Nordic Countries. Please Read this. 1# –  Åland: Swedish or Finnish? Åland Islands is a region that is just a group of tiny […]

Goldville EP. 1

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Another criminal series. Yeah, but this will last longer. Rating system real quick: GFPS (Good for preschoolers) FTOC (For the older children) FTMC (For the mature children) AL12 (At least 12) This is FTMC. +++++ “Charlie Jefford. You’re a 31-year-old man, you’ve got barely over three thousand dollars to your name, and you leave your […]

The Book Series That Changed My Life – The Emigrants by Vilhelm Moberg

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Hej Everyone. it’s Carly. Out of the hundreds of books I read in my 14 years of living (almost 14 years, that is), There is one book series I really want to give a shout-out to. This series has changed my life, and I would like to make an article dedicated to it. The Emigrants […]

What Happened To The Largest Primate Species Ever To Inhabit The Earth?

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Have you ever heard of the largest primate species to ever exist?  Meet the Gigantopithecus blacki, the giant ape that roamed southeast Asia 2 million to 300,000 years ago. This ancient primate stood up to 10 feet tall (3 meters) and weighed over 440 to 660 pounds (200–300 kg), approximately three to four times a […]

The Norway-Sweden Union

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Before I start, I am currently dealing with a writer’s block… So uhh plz comment some ideas. Velkomenn and Välkomenn to yet another lesson in Scandinavian History (A Kidztalk blog about Scandinavian history).  This time on the Norway-Sweden Union, because that is apparently a meme here on KidzTalk. My name is Carly, and I am […]

40 Nordic Questions – 2024 version!

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So, I made a post back in October of last year called “40 Questions: Nordic Edition,” and that post is kinda outdated. So, I am gonna do another one for 2024. This is basically all from the point of view of a 13-year-old Nordic enthusiast help 40 Questions: Nordic Edition What aspects of Nordic culture […]