All About Germany!

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Hallo Freunde! That’s German for “Hello, friends!”  Have you ever heard of the country Germany? I’m sure you have. But have you ever wondered what life is truly like in that amazing country? If you’re curious, interested, or bored, I’ve got you covered. It’s time to learn about Germany! Germany is a country in the […]

Why the Nordic Countries Have Similar Flags

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Hej Guys, It’s Carly.One thing that the Nordic countries, as a whole, are known for is their extremely similar flags.Because a lot of people are confused by the Nordic flags, This post will explain the Nordic flags, why they are very similar, and other things. The Daneborg – Standard Nordic Cross The Nordic flags, all […]

World War 1 pt. 1- GC’s History Recaps

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New series 🙂 +++++ World War One. Let’s get to it. The big dogs in the world were clear: the British Empire, France, the U.S.A., the German Empire, and the Russian Empire. So one of Germany’s buddies, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, decides that their heir to the throne would take a little joyride. So maybe it […]

Common Nordic Misconceptions Explained

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Hey Everyone, It’s Carly.I’ve noticed that my articles aren’t that popular anymore, I mean Kidznetters just care about the Animal stories, but I decided to do something by answering common misconceptions about Nordic Countries. Please Read this. 1# –  Åland: Swedish or Finnish? Åland Islands is a region that is just a group of tiny […]

What Happened To The Largest Primate Species Ever To Inhabit The Earth?

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Have you ever heard of the largest primate species to ever exist?  Meet the Gigantopithecus blacki, the giant ape that roamed southeast Asia 2 million to 300,000 years ago. This ancient primate stood up to 10 feet tall (3 meters) and weighed over 440 to 660 pounds (200–300 kg), approximately three to four times a […]


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Jack rubbed his eyes. His alarm clock was blasting. He picked it up and threw it across the room. “Wait…” he said, still sleepy. His eyes popped wide open. “IT’S CHRISTMAS MORNING!!!!!” He yelled loudly, running to the room. He scoured through the presents, trying to find one with his name on it. But he […]

Learn Langs With Duolingo!!! All About Duolingo

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Hi friends! It’s been a while since I sent my last post. Do you want to learn a new language but don’t know where to start? Well, I’m gonna tell you all about Duolingo, a free, fun, and effective way to learn a language online! Duolingo is a personalized and universally accessible online platform that […]

Wojtek: The Bear That Fought The Nazis In World War II

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During World War II, countless brave soldiers and civilians fought for their countries and sacrificed their lives for the greater good.  But among these war heroes, would you believe me if I told you that not only humans but also animals played a vital role in the war effort? Yes, you read that right – […]

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Early Life and Facts About the ‘Father of the Atomic Bomb’

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Are you familiar with the name J. Robert Oppenheimer? You might’ve already heard about him since a Hollywood film about his life hit the cinemas.  Oppenheimer was an American theoretical physicist who made important contributions to science and technology. He’s well-known for being the “father of the atomic bomb” due to his work on developing […]

How to Say “GREAT” in 10 Languages

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In day-to-day life, you sometimes have to talk with foreigners. There was an article about how to say hello in different languages. If you haven’t read it yet, you can read it here. Here’s how to say “great” in 10 languages. (The Italian term will be more familiar for Western music students as we see […]

How to Say “HELLO” in 10 Languages!

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Here’s how you can say “hello in 10 of the world’s languages!!! Spanish – Infierno Japanese – こんにちは (Kon’nichiwa) This is such easy, right? French –  bonjour German – hölle Latin – Salve Chinese – 你好 (nǐ hǎo) Russian – привет (privet), not private right? Korean – 안녕하세요 (annyeonghaseyo) Hindi – नमस्कार (namaskar) much unfamiliar […]

Maps and Making Maps

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The earliest maps did not portray the world as it was but instead reflected the beliefs of those who made them. As people learned more about the world around them, maps became more realistic. By the Age of Exploration in Europe, ocean explorers used map making, or cartography, extensively to chart unfamiliar shores. Today, advances […]

Amazing Facts and Information About Worker Dogs!

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Service and worker dogs are amazing animals who have helped and saved people’s lives for a very long time. There are seven different types of worker dogs. Let’s go through and talk about each one of these dog jobs and what they do! 1. Service dogs Service or assistance dogs are working dogs specially trained […]