Language Learning Group

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Have you ever wanted to speak another language but didn’t have the time to? Well, now, if you’re on KidzNet, you can speak many languages and share with you’re friends what you have learned.

In the Language Learning Group, I can teach you some basic words in German, Hebrew, Spanish, French, and basically, any language that somebody knows.

If you can think of a language (not made up), then I will learn it. Then you ask me for a basic sentence or a word, and then I might be able to show it to you.

Also, if somebody already knows a language, then they can tell you a certain word or sentence. If you want to learn languages, look at these links and click which one you want to learn:

Learn German

Learn Arabic (Egypt)

Learn Japanese

and if you type in the keyword on the top left, then type the language you want to learn. If it is in there, then click it.


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