assorted-type of leaves lying on white panel


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Jack rubbed his eyes. His alarm clock was blasting.

He picked it up and threw it across the room.

“Wait…” he said, still sleepy. His eyes popped wide open.

“IT’S CHRISTMAS MORNING!!!!!” He yelled loudly, running to the room.

He scoured through the presents, trying to find one with his name on it. But he found nothing.

red round fruit on white plastic container

Kevin walked into the room.

“Something wrong, Jack?” He asks.

“How come there isn’t anything for me?” Jack asks.

Kevin laughed loudly.

“Check outside,” Kevin replied with a smile. Jack walked outside, still in his night clothes.

“WHAT?!?!” Jack yelled in shock.

“Merry Christmas, son,” Kevin says, hugging his son.

It was a 2009 Dodge Challenger with a beautiful blue finish. Shiny and oiled up, she was ready to go.

Kevin dropped the keys into Jack’s hands.

“All yours, you wanna drive it?” Kevin asked Jack.

“HECK YEAH! LET’S GO!” Jack exclaimed.

They drove around the city, making the most of their journey. When they got home, they saw Jordan and Madison in shock.

“He gets a car?!” They both ask in shock.

“Guess what you get?” Kevin says with a big grin.

They walked out back, with Madison being excited seeing a new, fast (and furious) four-wheeler.

“THANK YOU!!!” She said to Kevin.

“What about me?” Jordan asks.

“Come here; this is a very important gift,” Kevin says seriously. They walk to the off-limits room.

Jack, Madison, and Jordan all wonder at the gun museum and the safes in there.

Kevin opens one of the glass display boxes.

“This is a very special family heirloom. It’s a German G98 used in World War One by your great-grandfather. Still fully functional, still deadly and accurate as ever.” Kevin says while gently laying the gun in Jordan’s hands.

“D- Does it have a kick?” Jordan asks fearfully.

“Let’s see,” Kevin says as he gets the ammo box from the safe. They walk to Kevin’s outside range.

“I love the smell of the range,” Jack says while smelling the air.

“Smells like America and 3 cases of expired Mountain Dew,” Kevin says, laughing.

Kevin loaded the clip with the bullets.

“This is a 7.92 by 57-millimeter bullet. One shot to the head with this, and goodbye life. You load the clip by pushing the bolt up, then back; then, you load the clip in the open space there. Bullet facing forward.” Kevin said as he demonstrated to Jordan how to load it.

person holding white and black camera

Kevin told them to cover their ears, and he rained down the entire clip on a metal target.

“Your turn.” He says, giving the rifle to Jordan.

Jordan carefully loaded the clip and took the ear protection. Shooting the first round, he liked how it kicked but didn’t kick too much.

Firing the entire clip, he was satisfied with the result. Madison then rode the four-wheeler around the range like a pro.

Jack decided to give Hailey the Christmas present she had always wanted: A laptop.

Hailey’s dad wanted to buy Hailey one, but he always had to spend it on other necessities.

Going to Best Buy and buying the best laptop, he wrapped it and went to Hailey’s.

He knocked on the door. Hailey opened it.

“Hey, Jack. Nice new car.” Hailey said to Jack with a smile.

“Thanks. I got something for you.” He says, tossing the present to Hailey.

person sitting front of laptop

Unwrapping it, she gasps in excitement.

“Thank you, Jack.” She says.

“Your welco-” he says before Hailey kisses him.

“Had to, Jack. Mistletoe.” Hailey says happily.

“Come in, Jack. Norton and the family are here.” Hailey adds.

“Alright, let me call up Dad. I’ll come in.” Jack replied while calling Kevin.

Jack and Hailey went upstairs to the room.

Jack and Hailey go into Hailey’s room and set up the new laptop.

“Can it run UEFN creative?” Hailey asks.

“Yeah, of course,” Jack says.

Everyone went downstairs for breakfast.

It was delicious, including bacon, waffles, pancakes, eggs, and anything you can imagine.

“Glad you made the boxing team?” Desmond asks Jack.

“How’d you know?” Jack asks.

“Hailey told me. She was pretty excited.” Desmond replies.

“Well, I’m pretty glad I made the team. Knocked out everyone so far.” Jack says with confidence.

The party went through the day and through the night, with everyone enjoying being with each other.

Through Christmas Day, they once again learned: Family is Forever.


This was better than I expected.

Glad i put effort into this, this cheered me up.

Anyway, Merry Christmas and Goobay!

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