What Is Your Favorite Food?

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What foods do you like the most. Pizza is my favorite! If you could only eat one food your entire life, what would it be? If you could only eat one last meal what would it be? What is your favorite snack food? Potato chips or corn chips? What is your favorite dessert? Favorite flavor […]

George Washington

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George Washington was born on February 22nd, 1732, in Westmoreland country, Virginia, and died on December 14th, 1799 in Mount Vernon, Virginia. He was the first president of the U.S in April 30th,1789. Time line: Born in Westmoreland, country, Virginia  (February 22, 1732) Father died (April 12,1743) Joined Lord Fairfax to survey Shenandoah Valley (1748) […]

Tips To Manage Your Anxiety (Part 1)

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I’ve suffered from anxiety since I was 3 years old, and during that time I’ve discovered a wide variety of strategies to help me cope with it. I encourage you to try each strategy so you can find the best one for you and I hope my personal strategies to conquer anxiety can help you […]

5 Tips for Kids to Make Friends

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Making friends seems easy for many kids, but for others, it’s more complicated. Having someone you like and trust to play with, or even just to hang out and watch TV has many benefits. Friends make you happy, relieve stress, and keep you from feeling lonely or isolated. Here are 5 tips on how to […]

Things That Annoy Me… #1

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Welcome to the first edition of “Things that annoy me”. Let’s just get started, shall we? There’s no need to stall this introductory paragraph! Seeking Validation Online I dislike it when people try to seek validation online. For example, I see lots of posts on social media that show a girl (or guy I guess) […]

What roles would KidzNet users be if we were family?

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KidzSearch would be the parent for sure. Duke Silver would be the cool big brother. Autumn is the cute little sister and also Elo . I would be the one that will fight you for the tv remote. Pumpkin is the silly middle child. Turtleunicorns feels like she would be the mean older sister. Gemheart, […]

RATE THIS POST 1 STAR (My Worst Post Ever)

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What’s up Kidzsearchers! (did that make you cringe?) I want to make this  the lowest-rated post in kidzsearch history.  This is basically the opposite of clout-chasing. Instead of love, I want hate. I will start off by saying controversial things and terrible opinions. All you have to do is give me the hate 😠😠😠 Pineapple […]

Oh my gods, Oh my gods, what’s happened to me?

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  I kid you not. That is what I got after I searched for tanks for sale to contradict Pumpkin. I clicked the middle box, and it said it was a $1,000 Amazon gift card. I clicked “Accept,” and a timer started counting down from five minutes for the validity of the prize. So, tell […]

Finding the Best College Major

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When you get to college, choosing the right major will be very important. It can effect your entire career, so make sure you find one that fits your personality. You also need to start preparing for it when you are much younger. Discovering your passion is not easy. You need to balance what you really […]

Tell Us Your Best Study Tips. Best Advice Gets a $50 Amazon Gift Card.

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This contest is only open to KidzNet members (registration is free and only takes a minute). Just post a comment in our Best Studying Tips For Kids post. The best comment will win a $50 Amazon gift card!!! The last date you can enter is March 31st, 2022 (extended). Winners will be announced on April […]

Best Study Tips For Kids

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All of your life, you have been learning new skills. When you were five years old, someone taught you how to tie your shoes. At age six, you learned how to ride a bike without training wheels. Fast forward to your pre-teen and teen years, and you might know several skateboard tricks, how to do […]

Ideas and Display Problems

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Hi Kidzsearch! It’s nice to be back, but it is a little bit confusing and kind of bittersweet. I personally think that we should bring back personal walls, the chat feels convoluted and crowded. In grammerly’s words “It’s wordy and hard to read” Lol I like the new display, but again it is too complex, […]

Bullying and How to Stop It

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There has been more and more talk about kids being bullied in the past decade or more. It seems the problem is more widespread than ever believed and is causing harm to children of all ages. In fact, school safety and crime data from 2019 reveal that 1 out of 5 students experienced bullying. Think about that. […]

The Not Seeing Thing

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There once was a boy who lived in an old creaky house. His parents always told him don’t to go into the forest but the boy always wanted to explore it. He saw lots of critters and lots of paranormal activity in the woods. There was an old legend that his parents used to tell […]

Records BROKEN, Art Drama, Coffee Discussion Gets POLITICAL… KIDZWEEK #2

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KidzWeek is a satirical weekly “news” source which aims to cover the drama and gossip surrounding the kidznet community.  This week has been quite controversial for KidzSearch, but not any more than usual. However, recent Allegations of art theft, spam posting, and a discussion about coffee that went political have rocked the foundation of the […]