I Answered 39 Questions About Nordic Culture

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Answer: Norway. It is the 1st one I got introduced to, and it is very interesting and cool. 2. Have you ever visited any Nordic countries? If so, which ones and what was your favorite experience? Answer: None 🙁 3. What is your favorite Nordic dish or food? Answer: Swedish Meatballs and Norwegian Salmon. 4. […]

Meet Félicette, the First Cat in Space

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Since the very beginning of space exploration, humans have always been fascinated with the mysteries of space. We’ve always wanted to explore space and discover what lies beyond our planet. Thanks to years of tireless work by scientists, this dream finally became a reality when Yuri Gagarin completed a single orbit around Earth on April […]

Why Do Fingers Get Wrinkly After A Long Bath Or Swim? Here’s the Answer.

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Have you ever stayed in a bathtub or swimming pool for a long time? If you have, you’ve probably already seen your fingers and toes turn wrinkly like a prune. It’s quite a baffling transformation, right? You know it’s because you spent too long in the water. But why does it happen?  Have you ever […]

What Causes Wildfires and How to Prevent it?

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As the temperature rises and intense heat waves are more frequent on hot summer days, the risk of wildfires increases.  These conditions, a combination of hot temperatures, dry vegetation, and strong winds, is a perfect recipe for wildfires to spread rapidly and uncontrollably.  Wildfires are destructive phenomena that can devastate entire communities, causing damage to […]

J. Robert Oppenheimer: Early Life and Facts About the ‘Father of the Atomic Bomb’

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Are you familiar with the name J. Robert Oppenheimer? You might’ve already heard about him since a Hollywood film about his life hit the cinemas.  Oppenheimer was an American theoretical physicist who made important contributions to science and technology. He’s well-known for being the “father of the atomic bomb” due to his work on developing […]

Family is Forever – Episode 5

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Longest running GravityCentered series. Wow! Okay, let’s get to the action. *RING RING RING!* Kevin picked up the phone. “Who is it?” Kevin said first. “It’s the *inaudible speaking ensues* of Terrance Phillips. He- *more inaudible speaking*” the man said. “Alright, I’ll sleep on it. Next time, don’t call me at 5:47 in the morning. […]

The Nintendo-Playstation Console Wars FINALE (for now) PART 4

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Alright, I’m making this as long, informational, and well-written as possible. “Why?” You may ask—because this was the last gen. This gen hasn’t had enough action to be written on yet, other than people almost killing each other for a PS5, along with the fact that I need more points to increase my rank and […]

Here’s How Aromatherapy Can Help Improve A Kid’s Mood and Well-being

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Aromatherapy has been used for years in ancient cultures for medical purposes, but it’s now gaining more popularity as a wellness trend in improving one’s mood or well-being.  But first, what is aromatherapy? It’s the practice of using essential oils extracted from plant parts, including leaves, flowers, bark, peel, or fruit. These natural plant extracts […]

The History of Cheese

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Cheese: the ultimate comfort food that’s so well-loved by many people around the world.  Cheese fondue, grilled cheeses, mozzarella sticks, Mac and cheese, cheese and crackers, ham and cheese sandwiches, cheeseburgers, or pizza with melted cheese—the list just goes on. Pretty much anything you could ever imagine pairs well with this universally delicious dairy! Did […]

Here’s How You Can Make Studying A Daily Habit

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Studying can be challenging, especially if you’re already juggling many responsibilities, whether in academics or personal life. When faced with time-consuming activities, such as schoolwork, assignments, and exams, adjusting to these workloads can be stressful and require much preparation. This is why it’s important to make studying a daily habit to help you mentally and […]

The Secret Purpose Behind The Buttons On Your Soda Lids

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If you have ever bought a McDonald’s drink at your local McDonald’s restaurant (especially at a drive-thru), you might’ve already inspected and noticed the buttons on the plastic lid of the drink you just bought.  These are the circular buttons labeled “Cola,” “Diet,” “Tea,” “RB,” or “Other,” and the rectangular buttons found underneath them. You […]

The Pros And Cons Of Artificial Intelligence: How It Will Change Society

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In today’s world, the advancement in technology has been evolving rapidly over the years. From electricity, automobiles, roadways, infrastructures, robotics, and the internet to smartphones (among others), technology has contributed so much to our convenience and has been a part of our daily lives.  Undoubtedly, technology plays an essential role in our society today, and […]

THE HERITAGE CHANGES – On the Occasion of Heritage Day 2023

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Hello, friends! Today I want to talk to you about an exceptional day coming up soon: World Heritage Day 2023, which will occur on the 18th of April. This day celebrates the cultural heritage of different regions and countries worldwide and raises awareness about the importance of preserving and protecting cultural monuments and sites for […]