3 Improvements Minecraft Should Add

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Minecraft is a very improved game. With 1.18 just coming out and caves being expanded, there are more opportunities than ever to stretch and improve. Let’s go over some upgrades Minecraft should add that would enhance our gameplay. Number 1: Ender Dragon Eggs I have not heard of a Minecraft player that does not want […]

What is Computer Programming?

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Programming, or “Coding” is the way humans are able to communicate instructions to computers. They use special programming languages which take words, and translate them to a format that can be understood by computers.  The instructions can be just a few lines, or millions of lines of code to complete a specific task. Once code […]

How To Be a Whiz at Math and Science

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Being good, or even great at math and science is not difficult. Follow along as I explain the secrets to mastering what many believe are some of the most difficult school subjects. Does even hearing the word “Algebra” make you feel nervous? When someone mentions chemistry or physics, do you start feeling faint? Do you […]

Are we allowed to give out monetary prizes for certain challenges?

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Goddag, KS I was wondering since I like hosting challenges and giveaways. Are we (the KN community that isn’t staff) allowed to give away monetary prizes such as gift cards and crypto? I have a lot of ideas in mind when it comes to this stuff. Would we have to give you (staff) the codes or […]

Are there going to be Moderator/Admin applications?

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Shalom, KS I was just wondering, will there ever be any applications for this? You might not remember, but in 2018/19, I sent you a message asking whether or not there are M/A apps. I recall you telling me that there aren’t any but that you’ll take me into consideration, if they are available. I assume […]