Harvard Scientists Think Our Universe Was Created In An Alien Laboratory

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How was our universe created? Where did our universe come from? And how is our universe the way it is?  Over the years, scientists have been exploring and trying to answer one of the biggest unanswered mysteries: the origin of our universe. And there have been many intriguing theories about it that have been circulating […]

Post to everyone who thinks they should quit. (DON’T)

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Salut, Everyone I just wanted to say that you shouldn’t leave KidzNet, trust me. Updates will come, groups will arrive. Everything will be better and faster. There will be private messaging (maybe even stories😉.) You need to stay, don’t you want to see the future of KidzNet? This new update not only brings more people, but […]

3 MORE Interesting Nordic Languages You Haven’t Heard Of

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Hej Everyone, It’s Carly. In November 2023, I made a post about 3 unique or interesting Nordic languages, and I found some more interesting Nordic languages that I wanted to share.  Jämtmål (Jämtlandic Swedish) Now, there is a pretty big debate about whether Jämtlandic Swedish is a Dialect or its own language. However, because it […]

A 13-Year-Old Experiment Proves Archimedes’ “Death Ray” Invention Is Possible

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Archimedes was a well-known scientist and mathematician who made important inventions and scientific contributions. Among them was the “Death Ray,” sometimes called the heat ray, a powerful device that could use the sun’s power through mirrors to destroy enemy ships.  It’s believed that Archimedes used this invention to burn Roman ships during the Siege of […]